Friday, March 13, 2020

an olio of sorts

Just a collection of random thoughts today

     Two nights ago I had a dream.  I lived in a white two story house.  I had gone downstairs to make sure the back patio door front door, and side door were all locked.  I went upstairs and opened the second floor patio door.  There was no balcony.  The yard was blanketed in snow with dozens of solar powered twinking lights under the snow.  Then I noticed the deer.  Dozens of them, all with twinkling eyes.  They were browsing, dancing, cavorting.....making the snow fly in many ways.  Suddenly there was  person at the back door.  I spit a cherry seed at them and hit them.  Their head turned slowly up toward me and they smiled.
It was a truly beautiful scene.
     Went into the store for a couple of things today.  People be crazy!  No eggs, no spaghetti, lots of empty shelves.  Wild.
     Was at Walgreen's and the cashier said the one thing people were not buying was hand soap.
     I drove past 5 businesses tonight, bars and food, and all 5 had full parking lots.  So much for social distancing.  I had carry out and used the drive thru.
     "Born a Crime" by Trevor Noah is an amazing book.  I had no idea what life was like during apartheid.  None.
     Dream II:   Last night I had a dream I was late for teaching.  How long do I have to be retired before I stop having that dream?  Been 11 years.
     We didn't get any mail bills, no adverts, no special offers.  I feel unwanted.
     Walgreen's limited customers to 4 thermometers per person.  4.  That just seemed strange.  I heard one guy ask for one of those "less expensive ones, you know, the ones with mercury, like when I was a kid."
     What will sports writers do for the next month?
Peace and Love and Wash your hands

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