Monday, March 9, 2020


I am not adapting to DST

     And I do have to be careful about typing.  If I messed that up, it would be STD, which I don't have, and don't want. 
     My typing is a concern.  First, I don't have spell check on the blog anymore.  Second, I don't see as well as a young person, or the person I once was, does. Third, I don't type as accurately as I used to.
     I am using all three excuses for the mistake I made last week, when I sent out a post about every person counts.....but I missed the o in counts.  Emily pointed it out to me and I still had to read the post a few times before seeing my faux pas. I then fixed the post.
     Color me red.
     I had some tea yesterday.  And some wine with supper.  But when 10 rolled around I was still awake.  I did my blog, worked on my program script, played solitaire ..... and discovered it was 12:30. 
     So I went to bed.
     Do you dream when awake?
     I swear I heard the cuckoo at 1, 2 and 4.....but I also had some really weird and vivid dreams during that time.  It was as if I was day dreaming in bed.  But 4 was the last cuckoo I heard, although the rain woke me up at some point.  As did the prostate. 
     I did not roll out of bed until almost 11!
     Holy crap!!!  The day was half gone already!
     So tonight I am going to bed early and I hope I drop off to sleep quickly.
     Luckily it was a rainy day, but I did not go walk like I should have.
     Maybe tomorrow.
Peace and Love

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