Thursday, March 12, 2020

coincidence...or fate?

Today was a day to remember

     At least until tomorrow.  I was a millionaire, but now my portfolio is down to $2.97.
     Ok, I wasn't a millionaire.
     But holy cow.  The market is crazy, gas prices are unbelievable, events are being cancelled left and right.
     We have an 8 pack of Cubs tickets.  I order the tickets, they get sent to me on my phone, I forward them to the other people.  The system sucks.  I hate it.  Last year I almost did not get into a game because I could not get my ticket to my wallet.
     So John and Linda get the tickets, but they can't  move them to their wallets.    They tried and tried and tried but could not do it.  I called my new found friend at the Cubs and he gave a number to call, saying it was a glitch with the MLB ap.
     Finally, John and Linda got the tickets loaded to their wallets on their own.
     And baseball was cancelled.  Our two April games are DOA and our May games may be questionable.
     Last night I bought tickets for the murder it was cancelled.
     I had a meeting tonight, but about 4:30 I developed a cough and a bit of a sore throat, so I stayed home.  I know I have not been exposed to anything other than a second grader with a cold, yet deep down there is that doubt.
     Next Thursday 4 of us are doing a show for a local group.... but my guess is the show will not go on.  Just a hunch.
     Wash you hands, don't touch your face, avoid crowds.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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