Wednesday, March 25, 2020

day 10

I have lost track of days

     When did that box come?  Should I unpack it now?  I sprayed it with Lysol and have not handled it....maybe it is safe to open.
     I raked part of the front yard today.  Seems Corki prefers one section of the yard for her outdoor toilet and a lot of the grass is dead.  So I took advantage of the fairly nice day and raked it then reseeded it with seed I bought a month ago.
     Hope it grows.
     I had a FB friend request from someone.  I declined it.  I often visit the person's page  to see who we have as common friends.  We had one common friend.  But young Megan also had a page for her nude photo I left that and quickly deleted the friend request.
     When did I hit the age where a young girl's nude photo gallery wasn't visited?
     Oh well.
     I am not an organized person, and I have a problem focusing on a task.  So putting together a puzzle is a challenge for me.
     I spent a good deal of time yesterday and today looking for a couple of pieces that I knew had to be there only to discover that I already had them, but they were upside down.  Flipped them around and a 4 piece section slipped right into place.
     Go figure.
Peace and Love and stay healthy

Visibility was a little poor this morning.  One weather map put Rochelle at 0.2  miles and I believe them.

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