Monday, March 30, 2020

day 14

I am opening the mail bag

     From time to time I get letters from adoring fans, telling me this is the bestest blog they have read in the last 5 minutes.  Sometimes they ask for my advice.
     Today I am treating you to some of the more interesting queries and my most intellegentest repsonses.
     Dear Terry.......Whey is your blog called TD in ten?  It should be called Terry;s life.  I first saw it and thought it was about football.  I was disappointed.   Signed, Mitch T.
     Dear Mitch...I don't understand your confusion.  Clearly TD in ten is not about football.  Truthfully, I am amazed you even knew that TD stood for touchdown because .....well , we've all seen you throw long.
     Dear Terry....I have been reading your blog.  Parts of your blog.  It is good.  If I did a blog it would be better, you know.  Because I am pretty smart.  The smartest.  I know more about anything than anybody in the world.  Science?  I know all about psychics and the planets.  I know when you split the atom you get eneregy.  Lots of energy.  The best energy.  I am richl  I am powerful.  I am humble, the most humblest person you will ever hear about.  I am honest as the day is long.  Why don't more people like me?    Signed, Donnie.
     Dear Donnie....Did you ever listen to yourself?  Holy crap!  Pompous.  Arrogant.  Dishonest.  Absolutely amazing that you would even wonder.
     Terry.....what is the meaning of life?  signed Monty
     Dear Mony......Self quarantines and social distancing.  Practice it daily.
     Dear Terry......Thank you for realizeing I am amazing.  Signted, Donnie.
     Terry,..... what the hell is wrong with you?  Signed Jackie.
     Dear Jackie....blame it on the pinot noir and lack of sleep.

     That's it from the letter bag today.  Stay safe and keep your distance.
Peaec and Love

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