Tuesday, March 3, 2020

just wondering

I am feeling a little curious tonight

     And no, curious is not a person....that would be wrong.
     But I am wondering about things.
     Shamrock shakes at McDonald's.....what if I added some Run Chata or    Bailey's to one?  Drinkable or terrible?
     Same with the Ande's mint shakes at Arby's......but I bet that would be awesome!
     Why do I always get caught by a train when I am running late?
     What jerk drove a 4 wheeler through my ditch in front?
     Why don't we incluide sales tax on the price of the item?  If something is marked $16.98, then that is what we should pay.  I think including the tax would make it simpler for people to buy stuff.
     What do I do with my Hallmark coupons?  Went to the Hallmark store in DeKalb today....but it is gone.  The store,  not the coupon.  The only thing in it was a vacuum. 
     Why are Girl Scout cookies like forbidden fruit for me....I know I should not eat them, but I do.  I still have dozens of frozen cookies in the basement.
     How do you know if a medicene is helping?
     Why do I sneeze 16-20 times in a row then have trouble breathing?
     If I knew then what I know now, would I still do stuff the same way then?
     Did they really make Mr. Ed "talk" by shoving a carrot up his butt?    That gives "Willllbuuurr" a new meaning.
     Do all NASCAR tracks only have left turns? 
     Like I said....a little curious.
     If you have answers to any of these vexing life questions, feel free to share.
Peace and Love

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