Monday, March 16, 2020

day 1

Somehow, nothing seems different

     I did not go to the store, but that is not unusual one day a week.  We did not go to the eye doctor for our annual exam.  I guess we could have, but I seem to have a cold (I HOPE) complete with a scratchy throat and a slight cough.  No temperature.
     The office called to see if we were sure we wanted to come, but when I said I had a cough, they agreed I should stay home.
     Stay home, stay put.  My new motto.
     My bird feeder was filled and the other day Jackie spotted a cardinal in the redbud.  First cardinal we have had at this house.
     But the horde of grackles seemed to drive it out.  Those birds are like a gang....they devour the food an scare all the other birds off.  And there is always a lot of them. 
     Jackie's sore looks a lot better.  We are supposed to visit the wound specialist next Wednesday, but that remains to be seen.  I might just take a picture and e-mail her so she can keep updated on the progress.
     I guess today was just a normal day for two retired folk.  If it was sunny and warm, I may have worked in the yard.  I have some things to do, but I slept for a while this afternoon and just never got a round tuit.
     We talked to a couple of people on telephone, which helps with the isolation.  I think that is the worst part, just having Jackie to talk with.  After 50 years, there isn't a lot left to say.
Peace and Love

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