Thursday, March 5, 2020


Just some thoughts for you to ponder

     The Arby's mint chocolate shake does taste pretty good when flavored, with Rum Chata.  Very good.  I confess, it was a healthy dose of flavoring.
     I needed to experiment after  the day we  had.
     Jackie has swollen feet.  Two days ago I noticed some small cuts.  I put bandages and ointment on them.  Two of the cuts healed very nicely.
     But the third cut seemed to take on a life of its own.  I bandaged it again and today I took the bandage off....big mistake.  She now has an open sore on her lower left leg.  We went to the doctor.
     She had some tests and after 4 hours, we made it back home.  She has to keep her feet elevated and visit a wound care specialist next week.
     This has not been a good two weeks for her.  Hopefully life gets better soon.
     Wound is a funny word, isn't it.  One word, two wind, or bow.  It's not spelled differently and sounding like another word, like toe and tow.  One word.
     Wonder what the record is for words like that used in one story.
     By the way, our public library is the tallest building in has over 60,000 stories.  I have read several.
Peace and Love

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