Sunday, March 8, 2020

foiled again

Sometimes the train comes off the tracks

     Had a pretty good day today.  Worked at the VCCT theater to be.  They let me cut 2 x 4s into specified sizes to build a knee wall.  I measured, made a line, measured again and was a success!
     Wall went up with a little extra pounding.  It was a tight squeeze.  But I still have all my fingers!!!!
     Emily and John came over for pizza and we looked at pictures of their Florida trip.  I love Key West, although I have never been there.  I always pictured it as a quiet, quaint little village but it is huge!
    It's on my bucket list, mainly to stand at the buoy that marks the southern most point in the continental US (although Emily and John pointed out a military base is actually south of the buoy, so that is not the southern most point anymore) and to  visit the Hemingway home with the six toed cats.  And visit Ft Jefferson on the Dry Tortugas.  A lot left on that list.
     Of course, wine factored in on the evening.
     As I loaded a red wine goblet into the dishwasher it came flying out of my hand, hit the cups in the top row and splintered into hundreds of pieces.  It took    me 30 minutes to clean out the dishwasher and clean up the floor.
     But, it was still a good day.
     I an not used to changing I think it is still 11.....oops.
Peace and Love

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