Sunday, March 29, 2020

day 14

I have some fun activities to do by yourself

     Some of you reading this may be living by yourself,  and these activities are geared toward you to break the boredom of self quaranteen.
     However, with a little imagination on your part, they could be enjoyed  by two or more people.
     Read to have some fun?
     Activity 1     This is a fun one, easy to play, especially by your self.  Put your cell phone down and wait an hour and try to find it.  This is great for memory building and walking, as you may go from room to room while you look for this vital cog in today's world.
Want to spice it up?  Put it on vibrate!  That way when someone tries to call you, you will have no idea the phone is ringing.
     Activity 2     Arrange your spice rack in alphabetical order.
     Activity 3     Take pictures of your bed hair everyday and see how the look changes
     Activity 4      Wrok on a puzzle.  Spend countless minutes looking for the missing  piece but first check under your cup of tea to be sure you did not unintentionally hide it from yourself in the first place.
     Activity 5     Count the numer of worms that slither up onto your porch after a heavy rain.  (47 last night)
     Activity 6     Read a blog somebody writes that has absolutely no value whatsoever.
     Activity 7     Be really snotty when answering a call from an unknown number then try to explain your tone to the person you had contacted in the first place.
     Activity 8     Here's an educational one.  Brush up on the differences between your and you're; hear and here; their, they're and there; and its and it's.  You'll find the learning challenging but fulfilling.
     That's it!
     I am sure you will find these to be the bestest, mostest meaningful and funnest activities to do during this quaranteen.
     Oh.....I forgot one:
     Activity 9      Learn how to spell quaranteen and then stay home and practice it!

Peace an Love
Activity 3....can be a hoot!

Getting there!  Tuesday, maybe?

I cooked supper.  The clean up took forever...note the wine bottle

Hint: It's  quarantine!

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