Wednesday, March 4, 2020

time out

I should be retired

     Here's how my day went.
     Metoring, store, let dogs out,  video chat, lunch, dog to groomers, visitation, store again, pick up dog,  cook supper, practice for March 19 show, do three loads of laundry, get frustrated at computer program, tend to my wife.
     I should be  tired, but I am not.  I don't know what I am.
     Jackie isn't much better and in fact, may have a new issue to deal with.  Tomorrow will tell.
     I have a ton of stuff to do and I am playing solitaire....even though I had pledged to cut down on the time wasting game tonight I have spent 40 minutes playing.  It angers me that my will power is crapola.
     Right along that line, I have consumed cookies, peanuts, two cups of herbal tea, two Cuties, a couple of crackers and some chocolate and I AM STILL HUNGRY!
     Tomorrow is a new day...well, that begins in 14 minutes.  Hopefully things are a little less stressful.
     I burned an incense cone today and it smelled like Marijuana!  When Bart and Beth came to practice for the March 19 show, I had to explain that I was not smoking the sweet weed.....but maybe it would not be such a bac choice at this point.
     House still reeks.
Peace and Love

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