Monday, March 2, 2020

one down......

I finished a project today

     I have about 7, but I finished one. 
     We have an address book.  FYI, for some of us of a certain doddering age, address books are important.  We keep addresses in them.  And phone numbers.       When we want to send a card or call someone whose number we do not know, we look in the address book.
     Our address book has been falling apart and I can't find them in a store.  As one young person told me, "Most people don't use we stopped stocking them."
     I get it.  It's like rotary phones, and Pong...everything has a life expectancy.
     So I decided to create my own address book.
     I used a word processing program, made some 2 column charts, and came up with a rather cumbersome but mostly fully functional address book.
     Some names did not go in my book.  The lady who lived next to my mother in Leisure Village and my mother's friend did not make the book.  Understand, my mother died in 2001.   That makes the old address book about 20 years old.  I have the birthdays of our twin nieces listed, and they were born in 2001 also.
     Some people have multiple entries because they moved a lot.  Not mentioning anyone in particular, (Tracy, Bob, Julia)  but now I don't have to erase, cross out, rewrite, I just have to reenter on the computer.
     A surprising number have died:  Aunt Bea, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Edye, Uncle Walter, to name a few. 
     And some have disappeared.  Their Christmas cards came back as unforwardable, so they were dropped from the book.
     It was a task that was time consuming, but it brought back a lot of memories....mostly of happier times with people who are now out of our lives, for one reason or another.
     Somehow, I don't think the computer sheets will evoke the same types of memories in 20 years.
Peace and Love

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