Saturday, February 29, 2020

first love?

I had a memory come back today

     I'm just not sure how accurate it is.

     This is from one of my mom's photo albums.  All it says is "boyfreind   Terry".
     I assume I am the one dressed like a cowboy and not the one wearing a dress.
To be honest, when I first looked at this picture I thought it was me and a cousin.  But all my girl cousins are about my age, so this girl could not be a cousin otherwise we would be about the same size,
     Then I remembered.  Millie Cornelley.  I don't know how it is spelled.  But her mom and my mom were friends and I spent a lot of time playing with Millie.  They lived in a basement apartment at Berteau and Ashland, so this picture was in my parents' front room.
     I vaguely remember how much she loved playing with me, and me her.  But then they moved and we lost touch.  Five year olds don't write a lot of letters.     But the look on her face tells me she adored me. 
     On an up to date note. 
     Went to the car wash today.  Looked out and saw a red Camaro pulled up in the lane net to me.  Opened the door and saw it was Bethie.  So I got out of the car, spred my arms wide and ran toward her.  She did the same.  We hugged, laughed, talked and got back in our cars.
     The attendant said to me, "I thought I would have to call 9 1 1.  You looked like you were going to tackle her...thought it was road rage.  I thought maybe you were going to kick her butt."  I assured him it would be the other way around.
     I think we all had a good laugh....and clean cars.
    Finished off the day with pizza and wine with Sheri, who is dog sitting for Emily and John.
     Pizza, wine, and friends....never a bad day.
Peace and Love and Happy trails to you

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