Tuesday, March 17, 2020

day 2

Yes, that was me at the store

     I had to get a new antibiotic for Jackie.  Her infection has not disappeared, so we made a trip to the immediate care facility at our local hospital.
     Our normal PP was out today and I did not want to wait 24 hours.  This will be our third antibiotic....hopefully it will do the trick
     That was our afternoon, mostly.
     I did go vote, which does not take long out here.  Unlike big cities, which seem to discourage voting by not having enough machines or judges, it took me less than 5 minutes.  Of course, there were no contests except for president, which made it easier to vote.
     We did talk to Julia today.  Switzerland has imposed some pretty strict rules for the virus, and one of them is no crowds.  I think she said there is a maximum of 5 people allowed to gather in a home.
     Food providers and pharmacies are the only businesses open and schools are closed until the end of April.  Some hospitals over there are running out of space for COVID patients, so people are in hallways.
     The Swiss are pretty strict in her area.  If you violate one of the newly established rules, you could end up with a $20,000 fine and 3 years in prison.    Folks there are taking it pretty seriously.
     I read a post from a friend who hosted an Italian student a few years ago.  Hospitals there are also experiencing space shortages plus shortages of ventilators and other equipment needed to treat COVID 19 victims.  Folks there are basically on lockdown at home.
     When I went to pick up the prescription, the drive up lane was full so I went inside.  It looked pretty much lick a normal day at WM, people shopping as if there were no worries.
     Me?  I carry a bottle of hand sanitizer and use it often.
     I did overeat.  Plus I got a mint chocolate milkshake from Arby's.....I drank about a fourth then supplemented with Rum Chata.  So please, pardon my typing and sentence structure.
Peace and Love

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