Friday, March 27, 2020


Where do I begin.....

     Emily, John and Camryn came over for a little while to celebrate Jackie's birthday.  No cake, no snacks, just talking at a well maintained distance.  When they left, I took a sanitizing wipe and cleaned the door handles into the house.
     I felt like a traitor doing that.  Like I thought they were dirty.  I think that's the new norm.
     Jackie was surprised I actually had a card and present...and thank you Emily for getting the present.  Jackie wanted Frozen II, and when I went to the store to get it two weeks ago I got confused because I thought all of them said blu-ray, but they actually say blu ray and all formats. 
     I had a meeting on Zoom today at noon.  Julia said she would Skype at  noon.       No problem, I have a PC and I can use that for my meeting. 
     But I have not loaded mail onto it, and the link was in mail. 
     So I tried loading mail.  It asked for my password, always a danger sign.  I entered it and found out it was invalid.  Tried again.  Same response.  I figured all I had to do was copy the preferences on my desktop.  So I entered the exact same server name.  Typed in the password.  Password not found.
     It was now 11:40....presdure was on.  Jackie started to say something and I yelled "Be quiet"  or something like that.  On her birthday.
     I finally called John.  I described what I was doing and bingo, it worked!  I had done the same thing over and over and it did not work, but when I call for help, it works.  I don't get it.
      I get so frustrated at times.  Technology baffles me.  I can't remember passwords and I don't always write them down or put them in the electronic password folder.  I am terrible.
     Sleep is terrible and tonight wil be worse.  The virus to worry about, storms, my behavior under pressure......all will lead to plent of tossing and turning.
     Then to top it off, I went to use mail on my desktop and now it won't allow me to send anything.  I am so screwed up
     Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Peace and Love

Slow progress today

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