Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What, me worry?

Thank you Alfred E. Neuman

     For those  of you who know me,  you know I tend to worry.
     I had to stop watching hospital shows like ER because I kept getting the symptom of the week.  One time a character showed up with a hatchet  wedged in his head and I had a headache for a month.
     If I hear it described, I have it.
     So this coronavirus thing is driving me bonkers.
     In the past 24 hours I have had a headache, muscle ache, pain in my joints, sore throat, cough, ED, flat feet, four cases of appendicitis and one baby.
     My body is wracked with pain, imaginary and otherwise.
     I am older, so I am a target of this disease.  Jackie is compromised, so she is a higher risk.
     Do I go out to the store?  I think we have enough food in the house to last about 2 weeks, with the exception of milk, yogurt, Big Macs and filet o fish with a shamrock shake.  Does Door Dash work in Rochelle?  Do I get John and Emily to drop off food in exchange for TP?  Why am I so inconsistent with capital letters?
     And by the way.....I have not bought any TP since the virus started spreading.  My hoarding was done much before the illness.
     It may seem like I am making light of it, but believe me, I am not. It truly worries me.
     I haven't slept well since the time change and this whole pandemic thing only adds to my angst.
     Make it all go away, please.
Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. It's funny and not funny. A four pack of TP was $4.99 yesterday, Here in Ca.
