Wednesday, March 18, 2020

day 3

I just am not getting it done

     I figured with the lockdown, I would get some of my routine tasks done and still have a little fun time.
     I bought a 500 piece puzzle.  I have some evaluations to do.  I could work on my book.  I could practice my French.
     Nada.  Zilch.
     I did do a couple of crossword puzzles today.  And I played spider solitaire. And made supper then did dishes.  And played spider solitaire.  I also watched 3 episodes of Schitt'$ Creek, which I think is funny but Jackie does not like.
     I did put on my gloves, mask, hazmat suit and collect the mail, which turned out to be a shopper, advert from a cruise line and a huge sale on cars.  I did not even bring it in the house.
     After stripping off the hazmat suit and burning the mask and gloves in the new incinerator we recently installed, we Face-timed with Bob and Anita.  It takes us about 15 calls and four tries at the computer to put it where we can hear them, and see them and they can hear and see us.  Usually we have two of the four going prior to starting over, but today it worked on the first try.
     Speaking of crosswords, I spent a long time working on a clue.  It was Slow-----.
     The word started with "an"  and ended in L  I was perplexed.  Slow. an....sell? bell?  I worked around it, but had to come back to it because the connecting words made no sense. 
     I don't know when I realized it was SHOW, not slow, and the answer was show...and tell!
     And that folks was my day!
     Stay healthy
Peace and Love

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