Tuesday, March 31, 2020

day 15

Life  was like an elevator today

     Let's start with the puzzle.
     I worked on it this afternoon, sipping my coffee and eating a Payday.  I know, not exactly healthy.
      I got down to this:  A definite high point!

     Notice anything?
     After 11 days of working, puzzling, snacking, drinking coffee, I was down to one piede.  One stinking piece.  A piece I had been looking for for several days.
     Now, all the pieces were placed except this one.
     A definite low point.
     I was so pissed.  Did I lose it?  Did Corki eat it?  Was their really a ghost stealing pieces?  Were there only 499 to start with?
     I looked on the floor, in the couch, under the puzzle.  As a last resort I ran my hand over the puzzle and guess what?

      It was on top of the puzzle, on some bushes, blending in nicely.
     A definite high point

     And so, it is finished.  Complete.  Finito.  A very high point.
    Looking on line for the next challenge, but I think I blew it because yesterday they were 30 percent off and today they are not.
     And then another high point.
     I got a call from one of the play partners at the zoo today!
     They were just checking in to see how I was doing and exchange small talk.     It was great hearing their voice and laughing at "zoo " stuff.
     I hung up and Jackie asked who I was talking to.........
     I started crying.  No idea why.  Just blubbering away.  Couldn't even talk.
     I am so thankful for all the people who have kept in contact, either through e-mail, facetime, Facebook, phone calls, or personal grocery deliveries.
     I'll  admit a couple of things:   I am an emotional guy.  I am scared.  I am thankful.
     Stay home.  Stay healthy.  Stay in contact.
Peace and Love

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