Saturday, March 28, 2020

day 13...I think

I am still homebound

      Tomorrow will be two weeks since I went shopping in a grocery store.
      I think I may be going crazy.
     The rain last night did not was loud.  The storms today did not help...tornado warnings west of us.
     I never took them very seriously.  I always paced, got worried, fretted, and then went outside to look at the sky.
     Then Emily's and John's house was obliterated by an EF 4 tornado in April about 5 years ago.  Now when I hear the warnings I  go into a slight panic.
      Knowing we were having stormy weather I made sure my phone was charged and I did not have any wine....jus to keep my senses sharp.
     Part of the problem is we can't go downstairs.  Well, I can, but Jackie can't do we will shelter in the little bathroom and hope for the best.
     I am still perplexed by the puzzle.  I have a couple areas where I just can't find the piece or pieces to fit.  Driving me bonkers.
     Maybe tomorrow.
Peace and Love and stay home

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