Friday, March 20, 2020

day 5

It had to happen

     I started missing baseball today.
     The sports section is barren of information, excluding the Bears.  It seems everyone is ready to  send Mitch packing with the signing of Nick Foles, or whatever his name is.  Sportswriters and commentators seem to be heralding him as the Next Great Thing.
     This will be his fourth team in five years.  I'm thinking maybe he isn't as good as he was four years ago.  Or maybe he is, and he had just had a run of back luck.
Aside from the Bears signing a bunch of players,  the sports scene has been quiet.
     Where's Rizzo?  Where KB?  El Magico?  Was the video of Contreras hitting batting practice in his driveway by his brother shooting things at him enough?
     So imagine my good fortune when I round this beauty in my box of Rotary wines..

     I may not be at the ball park, but Clark and Sheffield is close enough!
     I managed to enjoy a glass or two with supper, which was curbside pickup from Alfano's.  Emily said that was allowed.
     I spent the part of the day organizing.

     I use a poster-board and tape to outline the size of the puzzle.
     Then I open it up and spread out the pieces, pulling out any pieces that have straight edges.
     I work from the sides in, using a hand lense to help me see the finer details of the pieces.
     I spent about 40 minutes on it and actually got the bottom row almost complete.  Almost.  Tomorrow I will find the missing two pieces.  
     Stay safe, my friends.
Peace and Love

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