Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Rooskies are back

I tell you, it's not collusion

     Last week I had 10 page visits from people in Russia, and 9 from the Ukraine!
     I had not seen any visitors from either region for a while.....wondering if they think the water is safe for swimming after the Mueller report? 
     I better watch what I say about leadership in the oligarchy, wouldn't want to be poisoned or disappeared by anyone who gets offended.
     There were also three visitors from the United Arab Emirates......which always surprises me.
     The topic of the Russian blog readers came up today during brunch at a restaurant.  The event was a fund raiser for the museum and about 80 people attended, ate, and bid on items in a silent auction.  We also saw a short reader's theater presentation on the history of Rochelle as told by souls of the departed.
     I ate too much, as usual.  But I balanced it out by skipping lunch and supper because I was still full.  Ok, I did have a piece of cherry pie, but nothing else.
     Jackie and I watched the Cubs play Texas and I kept thinking those people look awfully cold in Texas.  What's it going to be like in Chicago for  the first week of games in April?  I think Mother Nature has gone insane.
     A couple of ladies were walking a dog past our house today and Corki barked at them.  Then she sat in front of me and just stared at me!
      I know what she was thinking......when are we going to go for walks like we used to?  Those people are doing it!  Why are you just sitting there watching those people play baseball?  C'mon!!  Get up!!  Get  my leash!!
      In retrospect, it would have been better than watching the game.
     Time for some Tums.......
     Peace and Love

Saturday, March 30, 2019

what the hell

It was a good day until the eighth inning

     As a Cub fan, I have high expectations for the guys this year.  But they didn't show any magic tonight.  Maybe the top of the ninth will be different, we'll see.
     I went to go out today and this is what I saw.

     That is my driveway and what I thought was grass was actually worms.  It seemed there were a thousand worms on the driveway, all dead.  The road had worms on it also. 
I worry that the worms won't be around to help my yard and garden.  Anybody else see this today?

     Speaking of pictures, what is odd about this one:

     I got upset when I hung the last shirt on a hanger.  Up till then, I had a green shirt on a green hanger, pink on pink, white on white, and a shirt with black on a black hanger.  I ran out of pink.  Jackie thinks I am a bit .....well..... overly sensitive to the order of things.
     We have a set of dishes and some are blue, some red.  I have them alternated on the shelf, in the dishwasher, and when I set the table, which can be difficult.
Sometimes those things just bother the hell out of me.
     And the Cubs lost.  No undefeated season.
     Tomorrow, for sure.
     Love an Peace

Friday, March 29, 2019

oh no....I didn't

I sort of fell off my wagon today

     I hve been trying to eat better.  Seriously.  I have had french fries twice in the past month, and sadly, it has been two times in one week.
     I am weak.  I had a taste all day for, believe it or not, a McDonald's filet o fish.  Seriously!  That golden crispness has been weighing on my mind all day, maybe for the past couple of days.
     It is not a religious thing.... I really love fish sandwiches.  Culver's has a good one, and so does the zoo.  Actually, they are both better than McDonald's, but I had a craving.  And so I had french fries with it. 
     Now I am so hungry, I am thinking of opening the box of thin mints I have hidden in a bag in the den. 
     I have not had a Starbucks in a week, which is surprising since I have driven by about 5 of  them in the past 7 days.  Tomorrow is market day at Cypress House, and I most likely will wander down there and have a coffee and check out what is for sale.....if I get up in time.  And get Jackie in and out of the shower at a reasonable hour.
      Because you see I am weak.  I am hooked on sugar.  I crave it.  It's my forbidden love.  Cookies, candy, sweets......I can't break the habit.  I do try, but in the end, I lose.
     Now, where did I hide those thin mints again?
Peace and Love

Thursday, March 28, 2019


I had these plans.....

     Put the cover back on the egress window.  Bring up Jackie's Easter decorations.  Change the toilet seats.  Go to the Chautauqua at the museum.
     What I did not plan was to fall asleep from 10 until noon.  I also didn't plan on being so tired during the Cubs game that I may have fallen asleep then too. 
     A friend stopped by about 8 and we had some wine...which may help me sleep tonight.
     I hate complaining about colds, but they make me so tired!  I don't have energy to do much of anything except close my eyes.  Even if I don't sleep, I feel refreshed with the eyes shut. was still a good day.  A Cub win is always good.
     Supper was strange.  Since Jackie does Nutri System, I do my own supper.  We had a taco shell in the fridge, some chili, some cheese and I thought....a chili taco!
     It all seemed to be fine until I tried to eat it and the chili dripped out of the end of the taco.  Maybe I should have folded it shut, like a burrito.
     Next time I will know better.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I presented a travel program tonight

     I thought it went well.
     Granted, I needed some help from the  audience to load the slide show.....I had done it 3 times to be sure I could load it, and tonight....I could  not.  Thanks Renee and Ken for your help!
     I used a Google presentations program on a Windows computer.  I am an Apple person, so things were  a little different.
     I ended up using the hunt and peck typing method because I could not adjust to the keyboard.  Words that should have been easy to spell, like presentations, came out ;trnysyopmd because I could not line my fingers up on the correct home keys.
     I do know how to type.  I can type without looking at the keyboard.  I am pretty accurate, but I do make mistakes.  But going to a new keyboard was a nightmare.
     I hope people enjoyed the program.  For some reason, I was nervous about it.       You'd think I would be used to speaking to a group, but tonight I was a little anxious.  Maybe the cold threw me, or something else. seemed to go well.
     Now, I need a solid night's sleep.  No getting up early to take glasses in for new lenses.  No meetings for three hours during my nap time.  Rain on the way so my planned outside activities may be postponed.  Could be a restful day.
     Peace and Love

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

bah, humbug

I am not a spring person

     It stays too cold too often.  The ground is muddy.  Every scrap of paper or trash discarded over the winter shows up.  My yard looks like hell.
     There is so much deer poop and deer prints in the back yard....they must have had parties at night out there!  Were deer responsible for all my bird seed getting eaten at night?  Cursed critters.
     The weather is like a roller coaster.  We could have up to 2 inches of rain over the next few da7ys.  Or it could snow.  Who knows?
     I put on a light jacket and I am cold.  I wear my winter coat and I am hot.  Short sleeves or long sleeves?  I have no clue.
     Sure, it may be 48 outside.  But the wind is blowing, so it feels colder.  But they don't do a wind chill unless it is 32 or below, so tough noogies.
     I have two Cubs games in April.  I probably will be wearing my winter coat, hat and gloves. 
     I know I sound grumpy, because I am. 
     I have a cough.  And sneezing.  My nose is running.  I am back to having a strong hot toddy before bed.
     But I have miles to go before I sleep, so I will stagger onward into the night.
Peace and Love and 70s. Please.

Monday, March 25, 2019

read the what?

I am a hypocrite

     I always tell people to read the directions first.  I used to say it a lot in my classroom.  Read the directions.

     Here's why:

     Jackie is trying Nutri System in an attempt to shed a couple of pounds.  Tonight's dinner was barbecued chicken.  I read the package.  Put in microwave, stand up, heat for 30-40 seconds on high power.
     With about 8 seconds to go, there was a huge splat.  This is what I found.
     I thought it was a scene from NCIS, or some police show involving a forensics team.  Take your pick of which one to watch, by the way.
     I cleaned out the only took about 15 minutes.  Getting the goop off the screening was the hardest part, but a wet toothbrush helped.  (By the way, if you ever spend the night and I give you a toothbrush to use, make sure it is still wrapped.)
     She had a second package.  I got it, gave it to her and said, "Ok, you read it.  30 to 40 seconds. Standing up.  High power.  I did all that."
     She looked at it and calmly said, "The first things it says it cut a one inch slit in the top to allow the steam to escape.  You did that, right?"
     No, I did not do it, thank you very much.
     Which is why it's important to read all the directions, starting with step one.
     The second time there was not a drop spilled.
     Live and learn, my friends.  Live and learn.
Peace and Love

Sunday, March 24, 2019

kind of chili

I ate a lot of chili today

     A lot.  Butternut squash chili, three bean, no bean, just chili, macaroni chili, apple something  chili and others I can't remember.
     We had a chili cook off at church today.  Jackie and I sampled, but I did not make chili, only cookies.
     I used to make chili.  But sometimes it just didn't taste right.  Every year I say I am going to find a recipe for next year, and I never do.
     But cookies?  I  can make them. I made my favorite, Amish sugar cookies.    They cook thin and crisp and almost melt in your mouth.  I did manage to eat a couple before and after and during the event, and I think I have hit my cookie limit.
     I realized today how much I really do like chili.  Maybe it's time I start experimenting and seeing what I can come up with.  Maybe a bison chili, or chicken, or alligator.  Now that would be neat.  Alligator chili.......hmm.  Alligator chili...the dish with a snap!
     Jackie and I also talked to her brother and sister in law in Florida.  They were sitting in 80 degree temps while we still have the gas fireplace on.  I can't seem to get warm.
     And I did not get to see the Northern Lights.  I looked, but nothing.  I guess someday I will have to go north to see them again.  I saw them once on a camping trip to Isle Royale, years ago.  I'd love to see them again.
     All this talk about food has made me hungry......maybe there is still a cookie or two hanging around.
     Peace and Love

Saturday, March 23, 2019


What the hell is going on in my life?

     How do I chip a tooth eating pizza?  I thought that would be physically impossible.....yet, I did.  Chipped a front tooth.  Damn
     That makes one broken tooth and two chipped in a six month period.
     I could see chipping on on a popcorn kernel, or a piece of hard candy.  But pizza?  Ridiculous.
     Since I have turned 70, I have gotten hearing aids, am getting an implant, and generally have gone downhill in a hurry.
     What the hell.
     Aging is supposed to be a relaxing time in the life stage.  No job worries, not many other worries.....but then the body starts to fall apart.
     First it's the ears.  Then the teeth.  Then the eyes.  Next my toes will start falling off.
     I am getting pretty tired of my failing body.
     It could be worse, I know.
     I still have most of my mind intact.  Tell me why this is.  Twice in the past three days I have encountered people I have known for a long time.  One lady had two kids in my class.  I remembered their names.  I asked about them by name.  But her name?  I remembered it as I climbed in my car.  I should have yelled out. "Nice talking  to you Jane,"  but I felt that was a bit of a stretch.
     Tonight, while picking up a pizza, I ran into two people and they said Hi Terry.  My mind was blank.  As soon as I got in my car, I remembered Ted and Judy.  Why didn't I remember when I saw them?
     Maybe it's my car.  Maybe it's a memory chamber!  I just thought of that.  When I get in the car, I remember.  Maybe I should never leave my car when I am in public.  Drive thru at the bank, the fast food places, where ever I meet people I should get in my car to talk to them.
     That wouldn't be weird, would it?
     Not as weird as chipping a tooth eating soft food, at least.
Love and Peace

Friday, March 22, 2019

ah chew

Pardon my sneezing

     For some reason, I start sneezing.  I go for about 15-20 sneezes, then my nose starts running and I am done.
     Allergies?  A cold?  Some other reason?
     I wish I knew. 
     I may be getting a cold.  My throat is a little scratchy and I am very tired.  which seems to be all the time lately.
     This weekend I have to read about 150 pages in my hard to read book on French resistant fighters in WW II.  I borrowed the book on an inter-library loan.  I have renewed it once, but when I went to renew it again I was told no...too many renewals.
     Now, maybe it's me.  But I think one renewal is not too many and I don't see a big demand for a book on French resistant fighters in WW II.  So I guess I have to return the book, then check it out again in a week or two.  The print is really small and it is hard for me to read, which means I only read for a few minutes at a time before falling asleep or going to bed.
     Woe is me, huh.
     Time to call it a night.
Peace and Love

Thursday, March 21, 2019

that was .... well....interesting?

I bought my winning lottery ticket tonight

     Normally I go in, pick up the sheet, fill out the numbers, and pay.
     Tonight I went in, picked up a sheet, filled out the numbers and stepped into the middle of a loud argument between several people.
     Not sure what started it, but the young kid who looked strung out on something besides life, yelled the f word several times as he walked through the store.  The lady behind the counter told him to take his attitude outside, which resulted in a series of f bombs from the youngin.
     A female customer got into the kid's face and started yelling at him about how to treat a lady.  Then she said, "And that young girl is pregnant."  The youngin, displaying his limited vocabulary, indicated the customer, and the clerk, could have sexual relations with themselves, which seemed to further incense the customer.
     Meanwhile the kid's friend, another boy but not thin, gaunt, fidgety, with a limited vocabulary, told his friend to just go out and wait in front.  He used bro instead of the f word.
     The kid left, but the customer followed him to the door and said things like, respect yourself, treat people better, behave and the kid responded by raising both middle fingers.
     The female customer then said "Yeah, well same to you," giving him both her fingers and then she turned her back on him, stuck out her butt, and yelled "And you can kiss my ass!"
     I got my lottery tickets and left.
     Out in the parking lot the kid started yelling at the female customer as she got  in her car  I'd be surprised if she didn't try to run him down.
     Which proves my belief that Rochelle is like any other city.  We have our idiots. 
     I'm just glad this did not escalate to a physical incident...with me in the middle.
     I say this every time....if you don't hear from me after Saturday, I am a big winner!!  If not, I'm just a wiener without a bun.
     Peace and Love....especially to the people at the gas station.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

double damn

I got off track a little

     Most of this week I have been in bed by 11 or 11:30.....but it is after 12 and I am just wrapping up the day.
     I ran a lot of errands and spent more money than I should have today.  I bought a new bike helmet and a light system that I can mount on the helmet or on the bike, my choice.  I also got the bike tuned up and ready to go for the season.
Now I just need weather I can ride inrides even .  There's a neighborhood guy who is out riding when it is freezing cold.  Yes, he is a lot younger than me, but even when I was younger I could not ride in cold or rain.  I  guess I am a wimp.
     There was also an Exit 99 meeting at my house.......for those of you who don't know my life story, Exit 99 is an improv comedy group we put together 10 years ago.  My friends Carrie, Beth, Terry and me make up the group.  I think we are pretty darn funny and I love hanging out with all of them.
     We are doing a show in April, a benefit for the renovation of the old Lincoln School as a theater.  We talked about what we were going to do at the show and laughed a lot.  It was a fun night.
     Of course, it was rainy so I missed the super moon tonight.  There is a possibility of seeing the Northern Lights this weekend, so that means it will rain or be very cloudy.  That's my luck.
     Father time is calling....the Sandman is tickling my nose.  Time to hit the hay.
Love and Peace

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

invention idea

I have an idea for a new invention

     It's called an erase button, and you can move it to a situation and hit it and it will erase the original situation.  Neat, huh.
     I was thinking of that as I made my fifth appointment with the oral surgeon to begin the implant process.
     The first date was perfect, except for the fact I had a previous very important thing to do.  So I rescheduled.
     I rescheduled to April 29.  Emily said that was a good day.  I called the office to confirm, only to discover I actually scheduled for April 24.  I guess my 9 and 4 are not completely clear.
     Emily could not do April 24, so I called again and rescheduled to a day that Emily is gone so I made yet another call and set a date.
     I don't care if I have to walk there, it will get done.
     Normal patients don't need a driver, but because I am a wimp and have elected to be put out, I will need a driver.  I told Jackie she may have to take me, but I won't let her out of the car because in an altered state, I may not get her back in.
     If I had an erase button, I could have hit it several times to get the right time and date the first time.
     And now that I sit here, I have to wonder if the date I wrote down is the correct one, because, well, it's me.
     I think making the appointment will take longer than the implant.
Peace and Love

Monday, March 18, 2019


I am frustrated at life's irritations

     I don't mean the ones caused by people other than me.
    Yes, surprise, I can be irritating.  Especially to myself.
     I chew ice cubes.  I hat when people chew ice cubes.  I had a roommate in college who chewed ice cubes at THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!       Almost every night; lights would be out, I would be sound asleep and he would suddenly start chewing ice cubes.  I don't know where he got them, or why, but it became his nightly thing. 
     He also had an odor problem.  I don't ever remember him showering.  Or washing.  Or talking.  He was strange.
     He finally stopped after I bought some extremely crispy apples.  I would wait for about five minutes after he was done chewing then I would take an apple out of the bag and bite it loudly, chewing with my mouth open and constantly slurping the juice.
     I moved out at semester.  Actually, I got married.  His chewing was that bad!
     I think I know it all.  Ask me a question, I will give you an answer.  I may give you the wrong information, but it will be an answer.  Want directions?  Just ask and I will send you to places you have never been before.  I can't seem to tell people, especially strangers, that I don't know the answer.  When I give the wrong answer I get very irritated at myself.  I can't imagine what the people who just went 5 miles out of their way are feeling.
     On the other hand, I get irritated because I don't know things I should know.  Like if someone has a brother or sister.  A guy I have known almost my entire life has a living sister and one that died in a car crash when we were teens.  I did not learn that until a couple of years ago.  Why didn't I know that?
     I can't control myself.  I just had 3 Girl Scout cookies and a glass of chocolate milk.  (Digression:  I put a shot of Run Chata in the chocolate milk and it has made me rather tired.)  I ate the cookies, and I wasn't even hungry.
     I worry about everything:  head lice, the flu, drunken drivers, collapsing bridges, falling elevators, recycling, the environment, my health.  That's just a few of the things I worry about.  I don't have enough time to list them all.
     And that's another irritation:  the amount of time I waste.
     In total, I really piss myself off.
     So, if I have ever offended you, just get in line right behind me.
     After I am done telling myself off, it's your turn.
Peace and Love

Sunday, March 17, 2019

it's not easy being odd

I am not talking about my personality 

     I do admit I have some strange quirks, like believing that I will still be a published author, professional actor, and member of a traveling improv comedy show.
     And sometimes I think Corki is my mother reincarnated, but Jackie says that is a crazy thought.  Is it?
     I am also not talking about my inability to complete tasks, stay on task, organize a task or get rid of things that I no longer need or use in life. 
     By odd, I am talking clothing sizes.
     I have started wearing an XL Tall when it comes  to long sleeve shirts.  Why?       Well, the sleeves tend to shrink and with a regular size I end up with what looks like a 3/4 sleeve.  Plus, the talls are longer and don't pop out of my pants as easily.
     But here's where I mean odd.  (I know, finally!)
     I used to wear a 36 waist, but when that became too uncomfortable, I went to a 38.  Sometimes I order regular fit, sometimes I order relaxed fit and I really can't tell much of a difference.
     But 38 seems to be too big.
     When I walk around the house in my 38 jeans without a belt, within 10 steps the pants will drop down around my ankles.  I think it's funny.  Jackie keeps telling me to put on a belt.
     I have an old  belt I wear when working outside.  It has a couple of flaws, or rips, and sometimes when I am wearing that belt my pants will drop a little. 
     I was an assistant at our church service today.  I helped offer the wine to communicants.
     All was well until I took a few steps and felt my pants slowly beginning to go down.  I had a chalice in one hand, and a cloth in the other, so neither hand was  free.
    I figured I was ok, but the pants went down a little farther.
    I started to Panic, with a capital P.  I put the chalice and cloth in one hand and pulled up hard.  Took two steps, slip, pull up hard.  Took two steps, slip, pull up hard.
     I must have looked very odd to anyone paying close attention.
     I neglected to tighten my belt to the correct hole....and it showed.
     Luckily the pants did not go far, but I had a sinking feeling about being totally embarrassed and having to find a new church.
     I am just glad I did not find the whole situation extremely funny and start giggling.....heaven's knows, I have done that in a church before.
     I guess I either need to gain weight to make the 38s fit better, or lose weight to get  back into the 36s.  There are not a lot of options for 35s out there.
     And in the future, I will check my belt before leaving the house.
     Peace and Love

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Somebody asked me what I did today

     I answered, " was a laid back day."
     And I wondered why I said that.
     I took out recycling, did three loads of laundry, washing all three and folding two of them; went to the museum and figured out how to load my presentations slide show for the Chautauqua, and went to 3 places for dinner.
     That's right.....3 places.
     I thought we were done with those days.
      When the kids were little, Julia wouldn't eat hamburgers.  Well, she still doesn't.  Emily would not eat hot dogs.  So we would look for a hot dog place near a hamberder place.  It wasn't always easy.
     Jackie wanted a Reuben tonight.  So I went to McDonald's for a green shake and a plain hamberder on a bun for Corki.  Next I went to Country School for chicken and an ice cream cone.  Then I went to Arby's for the Reuben.
     Yes, I know.  We spoil the dog.  And I could have had a sandwich at Arby's, but I suddenly felt like eating chicken.
     Granted, I did read for a while, nodding off for a short nap somewhere in the middle of the French resistance effort.  Which may explain why I am pretty awake now.
     All of this leads me to ponder why I said "nothing."
     I actually had a pretty busy day.
     But my guess is the person asking didn't really care and was just making conversation.  And I probably saved a lot of time by saying "nothing."  And time is important, because I didn't want my ice cream to melt.  And the more I talked, the more it would melt.
     But next time, I may be a little more candid about my day.
     Peace and Love

Friday, March 15, 2019

just wondering

I am a bit confused today

     I know, what's abnormal about that?
     I went to a bike shop in downtown DeKalb.  I want to buy a new helmet.  Julia gave me a gift card for this shop at Christmas.
     I am looking at helmets and talking to a man.  Many decisions to consider.
We have talked for 5 minutes or so, just chit chatting about bikes, lights, falls, helmets.
     I tell the man. a very nice, personable, good looking guy, that I will think about it and come back next week.
     He said that was a good idea and he'd look forward to seeing me come back.
     As I was leaving he said:  "Have a great weekend, Ter."
     Why am I wondering?
     I never told him my name.  Never gave him any information about me.
     And Ter?  Only a few people, people I have known for years, call me that.
     Maybe I misheard him.  Maybe he said I care, or there, or bear, or something else.  But I had my hearing aids in and it was, to me, pretty distinct.
     So, if anybody knows who works in the bike shop in DeKalb, message me and tell me who he is and how I would know him.
     I am also wondering why people think that people who are color, religion, sexual preference, nationality, physical abilities......different in any way...  why are there people in the world who think it is ok to  hate and kill because of that difference?
     Supremacists are evil people.  There are no nice guys, or good people,  in the bunch. 
     My heart aches for the families who lost loved ones in New Zealand.  And for folks who have lost loved ones anywhere in the world  because someone thought their race was supreme.
     Peace and Love.....but especially Love, tonight.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


I could have gone to Yale

     I was only short in a couple of areas.
     First, my parents didn't have enough money to make charitable donations to admissions officers, or to convince a coach I was a member of the rowing club.
     Second, my parents did not pay someone $15,000 to take my ACT in high school.
     You may remember the ACT.  American College Testing, if I recall.  You either took the ACT or the SAT, depending on the school of your dreams.
     I think the perfect score was 36, and I came close....only 15 points off.  If someone had taken the test for me, they could have done better.  Hell, a trained chimpanzee might have done better.
     I may be a prime example of wasted opportunity. 
     I can't swim.  But in my high school, we had a pool and the fourth quarter was mandatory swimming class.
     You could only get out of it if you had an open sore or a TB test.   I spent the last 9 weeks of every school year with a bandage on my arm, telling the coach that I had a TB test and could not go in the water.
     One year I must have lost the bandage, because  I remember getting in the water and swimming, albeit rather clumsily, one length of the pool.  After that I got another TB test.
     Not to be perverted or anything, but the guys did not wear swim suits!       Seriously!  They would put 25 completely naked hormone ravaged boys in a swimming pool with no thought of what could happen.  Self esteem was not the only thing that shriveled during gym class.
     The girls had suits.  They swam in the morning.  They boys would have their swim classes in the afternoon.
     As someone with a TB test, I did not have to shower before swimming.  I just had to take off my shoes and socks and walk through the disinfectant stew to cleanse my fee before taking a seat on a bench and watching all my naked classmates frolic in the water.
     Not showering allowed me to be one of the first people into the pool area.
      I will never forget the beautiful scene....calm water, covered by a coating of slime and hair only disturbed by the cannonballing of fellow classmates with nicknames like, Stumpy, Shorty, Peewee, Hairy, How Cow! and others I made up during my time on the bench.
     I bet at Yale I would have learned to swim.....the price of being poor, I guess.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

where are the Russkies?

 I noticed something strange about my blog

     Every once in a while I like to check the statics of this little effort.
     For example, so far the blog has had 154,000 views.  Thank you for reading about my sometimes boring life.
      And today I looked at the audience, where people are logging in.  Of course the US is first, Switzerland is second (thank you Julia), and there is Brazil, Greece, France......and a bunch of others, but no Russia.
     In past checks, there have always been Russians looking at the blog.
     Maybe they were hackers trying to influence the election.  Maybe they tried to hijack my blog to post totally useless information.  Oh, wait.
     Whatever, the Russkies seem to have disappeared, along with the readers from the other formerly Soviet states.
     Coincidence?  Or Conspiracy?  You decide.
     I cleaned the desk area today.  It looks nice.  I tossed a lot of stuff I have been saving to use for something that I can't remember.  I even tossed some magazines.
     Of course, when I say tossed I mean put in the bin to recycle.
     I am just glad recycling does not go out tonight.  The wind is howling.  I can see my recycling buckets would be blowing down the street, so I am happy to keep them safe in my garage until next week.
     The wind has a certain way of unnerving me.  I get a little edgy.  I don't like it.
     Sleep will not be easy tonight.  Of course, it never is for me.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 11

I realize I may have left my faithful readers hanging are some updates on life as I live it.
     I did get my slide show done and on a program that I can access from the museum computer.  You may recall my complaining that I could not do what I wanted to do.  I have spent hours....seriously, I have not worked this hard since I was fake teaching.....getting the slides in a presentation format.  I still have to do some looking at my notes and old blogs to refresh my mind about Cuba and the Netherlands.  The program is March 27, which also happens to be Jackie's birthday.  I asked first.
     I have been walking on a treadmill and riding my indoor bike.  I try to walk one day, ride the next, and so far results have been mixed.  I did walk 2 miles today, but I seem to be stuck on 6 miles for riding.  Coincidentally, the show I have been watching on Netflix ends at about 6 miles, so maybe that has something to do with it.
     We had fondue a couple of weeks ago.  We opened a second bag of fondue cheese, but only used a part of it.  Julia suggested using it on food, so I have had a hamburger with fondue cheese, two meals of turkey, and a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, corn, beans and a meat I don't remember, buried under melted fondue cheese.  It all has been surprisingly good. 
     Jackie has been eating NutriSystem meals, so I cook for me.  Tomorrow:  pork chops with carrots, tomatoes, peas.  Oh, I will put fondue cheese on the pork chop.
     My comedy group is meeting tomorrow night to plan out a show.  I am excited to visit with them and laugh.  Miss them, I do.
Scheduled my first implant session today.  Set it for April 9, which means I did not check my calendar.  Hopefully my 9 a.m. appointment will not affect my 2 p.m. meeting.  They promised it would not be painful and would be short.  Then  the good dentist explained what he would do.  After they revived me, we decided gas was a good option.
     That's about it.
     Oh, I am reading a book on the French resistance during WWII.  The print is very small and I can only read a little at a time.  It is almost 400 pages.      Somebody start a pool for the day I stop reading it.
     Peace and Love

Monday, March 11, 2019

verrrrrrry interesting

People on cell phones in public need to speak softly

     I was waiting for Jackie in a doctor's office today.  There was a man on his phone, also waiting.  He was talking very loudly.  Not angry, not mean, just loud.
      I don't know what they were talking about, by my ears perked up when the guy near me said, "If that happens you're either gonna find me in a hospital or prison."  And he laughed.
     I don't listen on purpose, but sometimes the talker is too loud.
     I was in a Barnes and Noble one time and a lady was browsing a section and talking to someone on the phone.  She was very loud and very concerned that the person on the other end had a wife who would go ballistic if she found out about them.  She then set up a meeting date and time, repeating the location out loud for anyone to hear.
     And you can't help hearing those conversations.  People talk like they are in the privacy of their homes.  Hint:  You are in public!!!  Don't tell us about your affairs or that you are in the soup aisle looking for cream of mushroom.  Nobody wants to hear that!
     And for sanity sake men, don't be at a urinal and take a phone call when I am doing my business next to you.
     Last week I stepped up to the commode at the oasis on 88 and the guy next to me said, "Hello.  How are you today.  I'm fine."  I admit, I was a little flattered because he was very young and good looking.  Thankfully, later I saw he had a Bluetooth device inserted in his ear on the other side, which I  could not see.
     By the way, I did not respond.  I just stared straight ahead.  If I had turned, I would have ruined his shoes.
     In the old days, when you saw someone walking down the street talking to themselves, you figured they were a little off.  Now days you can hide  that little quirk by sticking an earpiece on your head.
     Come to think of it, maybe I will try that sometime.  Just for laughs.
     Or not.
Peace and Love

Sunday, March 10, 2019

it's always the details

I sometimes drive myself nuts

     I focus on totally insignificant things and then complain about them every time I encounter them.
     For instance:  When people in sitcoms come into a room the lights are on 99 percent of the time.  And when they leave the room, they never turn out the lights!  What kind of subliminal message is that sending?
     Another instance:  On Big Bang Theory, they never lock the door when they leave and they seldom use a key to open it when they come home!  And they have been burgled!!!
     Still another instance:  Fireplaces.  Almost every show that has a fireplace has it going.  When they come in the room, the fireplace is on.  When they leave, the fireplace is on.  What about safety?  Saving natural resources?  Being practical??
     There's more.  When people are in a car and the driver looks at the other person for long periods of time....shouldn't they have their eyes on the road ahead?  Damn poor driving habits that have probably resulted in a 200 percent increase in rear end accidents in the US!!
     Don't get me started on commercials.  Especially when the people in them are portrayed as too dense to open a package of chips without spilling everything, or idiots that can't eat food without dripping it down their fronts, or busybodies talking to total strangers about constipation or hemorrhoids.  And bears using toilet paper?  Spare me the insanity!!
     Some people don't like me bringing these obvious errors to the attention of anyone willing, or unwilling, to listen.
     I'm glad real life isn't like tv.
    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  I have to go now and turn off the fireplace and lock the doors.
Peace and Love

Saturday, March 9, 2019

rip van tinkle

I must have been asleep

     We just watched Bohemian Rhapsody, and it depressed me in many ways.
     First off....Freddie was such a talent.  His vocal range, his persona were all so large and out there.  The music Queen created was also amazing, stuff we never heard on radio before.
     Sadly, AIDS took him too early in life.  Too early.
     When I go visit Julia, I always try to stop at the Freddie statue in Montreux.         He went to the Jazz Festival in 1978 and fell in love with the town, living there for several years.  Queen recorded their last album there. 
     So why was I asleep?
     I started enjoying Queen in the early 2000s.  Freddie died in 1991.
Watching Bohemian Rhapsody brought to mind that I missed Live Aid.  I don't remember watching it.  Or pledging.  I missed Queen in concert. 
     My excuse? I must have been asleep.
     In 1997, Apple stock was under $5 a share.  Seriously.  Then Steve Jobs rejoined the company.  I remember saying to Jackie we should buy Apple stock.  But we didn't.
     Let's see.....if we bought 1,000 shares of Apple in early 1997, we would have spent about $5,000.  Those thousand shares now would be worth....$1,720,000.
      My excuse?  I must have been asleep.
     I didn't see The Beatles.  I missed Bob Dylan, Elton John, Elvis, Simon and Garfunkel.  I was asleep.
     Now I wonder what I am missing.
     Lady Gaga??  Dolly?  Travis Twitt?  Well, no, because country is country and I am not a country guy.
     What I have learned to late is do stuff, buy things, see performances, open your eyes and your mind.
     Otherwise, you end up watching biopics and listening to CDs and imagining you are there.
     Live life now.  No matter the cost.
Peace and Love.

Friday, March 8, 2019

go figure

My life is sometimes filled with oddities

     No, I don't mean my friends.  None of them are odd.  Well, maybe one or two.  But they know who they are and I don't have to out them as oddities.
     Take my lips.  Please.
     When I go to the zoo, I always put a lip balm in my pocket.  Why?  So I don't get chapped lips, silly. 
     Here is the mystery:   On days I don't take one, because I forget a lot, I will get half way there and my lips will become dry, like a desert.  I start licking them, and they become chapped, like a cowboy.  I stop at a CVS and buy a lip balm.
     On days I remember to take one, my lips are fine all day long.  I never use the lip balm once.  Yet on days I forget, it gets used constantly.
     Another mystery:  Why when I leave the house do I have to stop in DeKalb to relieve myself after drinking one cup of tea at home, but I don't have to stop after having two glasses of water and a large coffee on my way home?
     Why don't I ask all the questions when I am in the Apple store with my broken computer?  And all the questions would have included, so what does that mean if the battery is bad?  Will it just not charge?  Can I just plug it into an outlet and use it that way?  What is a Bluetooth mouse??    That's a mystery too.
     I better get to bed.  I'll never make it by 10:30, because it is almost 12 now.  If this was tomorrow night, I would maybe  be ok.
     Or not.  Maybe I am just an oddity myself.
Peace and Love

Thursday, March 7, 2019

feeling a bit off

I'm in a sad mood tonight

The death of a policeman is something that should be extremely rare, but seems to happen too often in our world.
Today was one of those days.  A McHenry County Deputy was killed while officers were serving an arrest warrant in Rockford.
The shooter has been identified and has a long list of violent offenses.
Yet, he somehow got a gun.
I didn't know this officer, yet I have a pain in my heart for his family and his coworkers.
That's all I want to say.
Peace.  And love.  But especially peace.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

a quiet day.....

Today was a fairly normal day

     That, my friends, is unusual for me.
     I managed to read the Trib, work on my slide presentation, finish a crossword puzzle, and go to church.
     The crossword puzzle was, well, puzzling.  I have a book of them and I am on puzzle 35 or so.  I started last Thursday and just hit a wall.  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday passed and I still had about 9 clues I did not get.
     Suddenly, during tea time this morning, I solved two of the clues and the rest just fell into place.  It's funny.  I have read a clue over and over and I did not have an answer then....poof.  I know the answer.  I think my brain has been searching in the dark corners and it just took a little time.
     I started a new puzzle.  Hopefully it will not throw me as much as the previous one did.  And yes, the answers are in the back of the book....but those are only a last resort.
     I have placed most of my pictures for the slide show.  I have to do them one at a time and I bet I placed the same picture twice about 20 times.  I spend more time deleting than  I should.  I have to go by the image number, and if I get distracted, or called away, I sort of guess at where I left off.  Now I am writing my stopping point down on paper. 
     That's it.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

losing it....

I figured out my slide problem

     I am doing a presentation at our museum for Chautauqua week.  If you don't know, Chautauquas were very popular in the early 1900s.  The week long program would bring entertainment and culture to small, rural towns.  Singers, orators, speakers were all part of the early programs. 
     Our museum does one, and the theme this year is Roads Well Travelled, or something like that.  Since I have been to some interesting places, I was asked to speak about my experiences.
     I thought a slide show would be the cat's meow.
     But the museum has Windows, I have Mac and my slide show program only runs as a video on the Windows frame.
     Several people suggested Google's Slides as a solution.
     I read tutorials, looked at videos, and started to play around with the program.
But yesterday I screamed in frustration.  I placed 4 slides.  But I could not place any others.  I was beside myself.
     John took some time to familiarize himself with the program and came over to help.
      I showed him what I had done, and when I went to load a slide he said to hit the insert tab, not the slide tab.  I did, and it worked.
     Now, remember I had gotten 4 slides into the at some point Sunday or Monday I had to have placed the slides using the insert tab. I had to, otherwise they would not be there.
     It baffles me that I could do it one day and be completely befuddled the next.
     The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Peace and Love

Monday, March 4, 2019

Oh for the good old days

I sometimes miss the olden days

     Those days before technology set out to drive me insane.
     I have Cubs tickets for this year.  Four of us bought 8 game packs.  Tickets are distributed electronically only, no paper tickets, so I have to figure out how to download the tickets to my phone then send them to the other folks.
     Might as well ask me to fly.
     And I am trying to do a slide show.  Having some difficulty.  I know it does not help to scream obscenities at the computer, but it did make me feel better.
I know I will find someone to help me.  Because my figuring it out will be about as possible as asking me to fly with a backpack on my back.
     I scan my card, insert the chip, punch the numbers and always wonder if my card will be compromised.  I worry.  I fret.  I continue to use the card.  Getting me to assume that all transactions are safe will be as possible as asking me to fly with a backpack on my back and extra large pepperoni, sausage, Canadian bacon stuffed pizza in my hot little hands.  And now I am hungry.
     Jackie thinks I am crazy.  I got my first Reader's Digest last week.  Why does she think I am crazy?  It's the large print edition.  I can read it without my glasses and without straining my eyes.  It is a comfort read, because I read it when I was much younger.
     And I didn't have to worry about flying, or eating pizza, or whatever....I could just read a paper product.  Manually turning the pages.  With my hands, like nature intended.
     Technology is for the birds.
     Peace and Love

Sunday, March 3, 2019

dream on

I need a pinch of reality

     I found the perfect get away house in Chicago for Jackie and me.  A pied de terre, I think the French call it.  A small place in the city where you can escape from the country, or stay overnight if you have work or a sporting event.
     I am calling my bank loan officer tomorrow.  I will tell Dale this is an opportunity that can't be ignored!
     The house has been reduced by almost $5 million, and is now listed at $45,000,000.   Strangely, the listing says it has 25,000 square feet, but the Cook County assessor's office only has it at 15,000 square feet.  I am sure the 10,000 square foot difference does nothing to change the assessment and was not done as a favor to the current owners as a way to lower property taxes.
     There are 9 bathrooms....which means I can use a different one every day of the week!  I have always wanted to have enough bathrooms so that I didn't have to use the same one twice in a week.
     There are 7 fireplaces and a reflecting pool.  I am sure I would do a lot of reflection.  I would have time, because the lot is  a little over half the size of mine, so there should not be a lot of yard work.
     And I even found a car that I could use in the city.  It's a armored Cadillac Escalade and runs between $300,000 and $500,000, depending on if you want cup holders.
     I don't begrudge people their money.  But sometimes I think it would not be such a bad idea to tax the really rich more than they tax the rest of us.  A lot more.
     Of course, I may feel differently when I save enough to put a down payment on the $45,000,000 house. 
     One dime at a time.    And remember, it's only money.
     Peace and Love

Saturday, March 2, 2019


I started reading a new book today

     I fell asleep on page 2.
     Now, I hope that is not an omen about the book, which is a real life account of Resistance fighters in France in WW II.
     Maybe I was just tired.  I went to bed about 2 and got up at 9....but oh that dream.
     I was in it, but not in it.  Does that make sense?
     It was a star studded dream.  Katherine Helmond was in it.  She is the actress who just died.  She was married to Buddy Ebsen and they lived in an old run down farmhouse.  The basement had a dirt floor and Ebsen's parents and grand parents were buried in the basement.
     Kathrerine heard a noise and went to investigate.  She picked up a stool and hit somebody in the head as they came in the back door.  But Buddy's father came up from the basement and said he wanted pancakes and ordered the pancakes through Buddy.   Then Buddy came down and they had pancakes.  For some reason Steve McQueen came in the front door and said, "Momma I'm home.  I'm going to the basement."  And Helmond started crying.
      I don't know who she hit in the head, I don't know why I was there and I don't know if they had syrup on their pancakes.
      All I know is it was about 3:30 a.m. when I got up and wrote this crap down.
      RIP Katherine, and Buddy, and Steve....and please, don't pay me any more visits.  I need my  beauty sleep.
Peace and Love

Friday, March 1, 2019


Life was very good today

     We had a fondue/raclette night tonight, and a few friends gathered around the table to eat, drink, and make Mary.  Mary was not happy at being made, but that is life.
     We had a Swiss fondue..... melted cheese, mixed with some white wine and kirsch.  We dipped freshly baked bread in the mix while sipping wine or hot tea.
We also had raclette.  It is hard to explain raclette.  We have a raclette maker.  On the top granite block you cook various meats.  Under the block you take a triangle and put cheese on it, then slide it under the heat.  Once the cheese melts, you scoop it onto little boiled potatoes, load up another triangle, and eat the first one.  There are fixings to add:  tomatoes, cornishons, (a real little tart pickle), onions to name a few.  Some people put the fixings on the triangle and the cheese either under or over it.  Some just do cheese and add the rest when they pour it over the potatoes.
     One thing about the Swiss.......eating is a fun experience.  Both meals are group events.  You have to talk to eat!
     Most of our conversation was around the meat.  I never put it on early enough.  We started the meat at 6:30 but at 7, when dinner was served, the meat was not quite done.  We had jalapeno bacon, regular bacon, and one inch strips of steak., and it all cooked slowly.
     Of course there was dessert....and wine....and more wine....and coffee.... and tea...and conversation.
     Sometimes I wonder why I am so blessed with the friends and family I have.
     Emily and John were a big help in getting everything on the table on time.  My two hands don't work as fast as they used to.
     I did have a moment of panic.  I put the fondue pot out, got everything set and discovered I did not have any fuel.  Luckily the local hardware store had something close that I could use.  Otherwise, the fondue would have been fondon't.