Thursday, January 10, 2019

yeah, about that

I keep hearing about decluttering

     Japanese cleaning, or Swedish cleaning, or some other country cleaning strategy.
     Instead of tackling a huge project, doe one or two things at a time.  Instead of spending a day getting rid of stuff, spend 15 minutes.
     Here's how that works for me.
     I find something I don't want, or need, or use.  I pick it up, then the telephone rings.  It's Joe from the prize authorization center, or Stephanie who wants to tell me I won a contest to lower my Com Ed electric bills.
     In frustration over telemarketers infringing on my privacy, I go play spider solitaire on the computer.
     One hour later, I get up and find the original item I was going to get rid of, get confused why it is on the kitchen counter, and put it back where it has been for the past 6 years.
     Result?  Two hours of decluttering and not one piece of crap gone.
     Years ago we bought some laundry detergent.  We have a front load washer, and it needs HE type detergent.  This is not.  It has been here for years.
     Today, I took it and a never opened package of Tide Pods to the homeless shelter for them to use.
       I did not just take it down....I contacted them first.  I also grabbed the 12 boxes of mac and cheese Julia left behind and took that too.  It's always nice to have a box of mac and cheese on hand, but 12 might have been too many.
     When we lived in our old house, we used a bathmat in the shower.  To ensure we always had one on hand, I bought two on sale.  I still have them.  Unopened.
     I would guess they are fine, but they have been rolled up for about 7 years.
     Rubber doesn't go bad, but it does curl.
     They are next on my list of things to dispose of.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but for me it is a BIG step.
     And I realize I can't walk that mile without taking the first step.
     Now, about the posts in the basement....any takers?
     Love and Peace.

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