Sunday, January 20, 2019

about time

I finally saw a blood moon tonight

     I say finally, because it seems every time there is a major astronomical event it is cloudy.  Eclipse?  Cloudy.  Comet?  Cloudy. Perseid meteor showers?  You guessed it, cloudy.
     But tonight, I stayed up to watch most of the eclipse.  I went outside to try to take some pictures, but:  A....I don't know how to take good moon pictures.  B.  It was too cold to figure it out.  C...It was cold.  I want to emphasize it was cold.
     I could see it from my one window, and I just hope my neighbors don't think I was being a peeping Tom, looking out my window so often.
     It was pretty neat.
     That was the highlight of my day.
     Emily's John and my friend Carrie took part in something called the Frozen Otter in Wisconsin.  It is a 64 mile marathon through the woods.  John made 16 miles, which I think is amazing.  Carrie went 53 miles, which is double amazing.       I was freezing walking to the mailbox.  They started Saturday morning and had 24 hours to complete the course.  Not even when I was young and much fitter could I have done any portion of that. 
     I did go to Walmart before the football games started.  I always park next to a tree or light pole as a point of reference.
     As I was walking into the store, a lady came out with her two young girls.  She was about 30 at the most.  The conversation went something like this:
     Girl:   "I don't see our car."
     Lady:  "I know we parked out here.  Or maybe in the next aisle."
     Girl:   "I don't see our car."
    Smaller girl:  "I'm cold."
     Lady:   "It miust be in the next aisle."
     So it is not only us older folks who forget where we park.
     I don't think I have forgotten anything today.
     Oh, wait!  I took Jackie out 56 minutes ago to look at the eclipse and I forgot she was out there!
     Oh oh......
     Peace and Love and stay warm.

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