Saturday, January 5, 2019

har de har har

I had a laugh day today

     Emily and John took me to see MooNiE and Broon today.
     I know, most of you are saying, "Who?"
     MooNiE and Broon frequently perform at the Renaissance Faire in Bristol, WI each summer.  They usually each do several shows, then combine for one show later in the day.
     They juggle, tell jokes, and are highly entertaining.
     They also do a combined show that they take on the road during the off season, in addition to doing their own shows around the country.  MooNiE, which is not his real name, comes from the Chicago area and has done serious, live theater in the city and has also done some television work. 
     This is the second show I have seen, both in Lake Forest at a community center.  Both shows were funny.  At one point I think Broon said to MooNiE something like, "this is an old joke, but it still works."  And he was right, we laughed.
       And I learned a couple of things new:  Pay attention to lines.  I went into the show place, and got in line.  A lady nicely said, "this is the beginning."  For some reason, I thought she meant this was the end.  Emily eventually told me I had budged about 80 people and led me to the back of the line.
     I also learned what cat's whiskers are on men's pants.
     And that Shazzam can help id a Ramone's song playing as preshow music.
     Thanks to Emily and John, who got the tickets for me as a Christmas present, Camryn and Sherry for going, and Jackie for spending almost the entire day with her safety nets gone.
     Peace and Love and Laughs to all
MooNie and me

Signing broken concrete pieces that came from a bit in the act

Broon and me....we are almost twins, right?

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