Thursday, January 24, 2019

are you serious?

Next week should be a doozy

     I normally don't complain about the weather, but I am a little concerned.
     Tonight is is negative one as I type.  The wind chills are supposed to be in the minus 20 range by morning.
     School is cancelled.  Second time this week.  Well, first time because there was an early dismissal the day the snow hit on Tuesday.  But still.
     There are forecast lows of -10 for later next week.  That is without the wind chill.  The following day it warms up to -7.
     I always had a problem explaining the negative concept to kids.  If it is zero, then how can it be less than zero?  I admit, it still confuses me.
     I know how it feels to go from 80 to 40.  But going from 32 to -8 is the same number of degrees, but once you hit the 0 mark it really seems hard to notice a difference.
     All I know is, it is cold.
My heart goes out to those poor souls who are homeless, and dogs and cats that are "outside" animals.
     Of course, there will be snow at some point.  One forecaster said on Tuesday of this week that the clipper moving in on Sunday/Monday could be a snow producer, with up to a foot of snow accumulating in a little circle that seems to surround Rochelle.
     Winter does bring me some time to regret.  Or reflect.
     I wish I had the opportunity to learn to ski.  I love watching people go down the slopes and I usually wish it was me.
     When I see Matt, and Kevin, and Michael, and Ben, and Mike, and Lauren,  and John, and... well, the list goes on and on.  But they seem to go down the hills so effortlessly.  I wish I had that skill.
     I also wish I had gone sledding more.  We used to go to the hill at Montrose Beach, and I even took the girls there when they were little.  We went to the local conservation club and went down that hill often.
     I would love to be able to ice skate.
     But those days are gone.  I miss the cold wind on my face.  It's not the same standing outside watching the dog pee.
     Stay warm, my friends. 

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