Wednesday, January 2, 2019

turn out the lights

The party is over

     I don't like this part of the Christmas season.
     I have to start putting stuff away.  I need to take down the outdoor lights.  I need to pack up all the trimmings and trappings and put them away for 340 days.
     But the big reason for my sadness is Julia went back to Switzerland today.
     Understand, I have spent many trips from the airport with wet eyes. John drove and Camryn went with, so there was a distraction on the way home.
     Honestly, I hate her leaving.
     Jackie and I are so fortunate to have both girls home for the holidays.  I realize a lot of families will never be able to say that and I realize that has to hurt on so many levels.  I feel for those families.
     We are also lucky that we will be going over to visit her this summer.  But that is six months away.
     Skype has been an amazing device while she is over there.  When she first went, we called and I was always a blubbering mess when I hung up.  But with Skype I can at least see her, which helps.
     Hard to believe she has been there 17 years in March.  Harder still to realize I was 54 when she went to Switzerland.  Time really races past too fast.

Peace and Love to all.....

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