Wednesday, January 16, 2019

do it myself?

One benefit of aging is not doing stuff

     I have always had a hard time cutting my toe nails.  I know, disgusting topic.
Fingernails are fine.  But toenails?  Just thinking of them makes my skin crawl.
     My dad hated cutting his.  I swear, they were an inch long at times.  I think he had extra large shoes in the closet just in case.
     I digress.
     I notice that with an abnormally large belly and failing eyesight, trimming my toenails can be dangerous.  Once I  actually cut off my little toe.  Well, not actually off.  And it didn't bleed.  But it could have.
     So now I go to a spa and get a pedicure. 
     Go ahead...laugh.  A guy at the spa?  Happens all the time.
     Jackie and I get our nails trimmed because we can't seem to do it ourselves. 
     I used to clean house every week.  Vacuum, dust, clean toilets, wash floors, wash mirrors...the whole ball of wax.  Now, we have someone come in every other week and all I do is a quick clean on the off week and dust the floors every couple of minutes to get the dog hair.
     I used to buy fertilizer for the yard.  I would read the info and buy stuff in the spring to give the yard a spring feed.  Long about July 15 I would finally apply the spring feed, providing the wind and rain predictions allowed me to do that.       Now I have a service that comes 6 times a year to feed and weed the yard.
After spending four hours doing the driveway after the last snow, I called a guy and he now will plow after two inches.  I think he will be busy in the next couple of days.
     We are lucky, we can afford to do this.  A lot of people can't.
     I keep hearing that money can't buy happiness and I disagree every time my house gets cleaned or the yard gets treated.
     Next up....a cook and yard my dreams.
     I am tired and I have a cough.  I just had a nice hot toddy and am getting very drowsy; so good night.
     Peace and Love

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