Sunday, January 6, 2019

same old, same old

I think I am stuck in the mud

     I'm in a rut,
     Not exercising.  Eating too much.  Staying up too late.  Sleeping too late.
     My resolutions have all gone out the window, or door, or whatever....well, all except one.
     I did resolve to wake up every day in 2019.
     At my age, that is not a given.
     Every day there are obits of people younger than me.  It does frighten me a little.
     Sometimes I think we should have an expiration date, like milk.
     Would I be happier knowing that on Jan. 15, 2025 the grim reaper will be knocking on my door?
     In one sense yes, because then I wouldn't have to wondeer and worry.  I would do all I could in the remaining time.
     In another sense, no, because no one wants that guy to stop for coffee, tea or wine.
     Incidentally, Jan. 15, 2025 is just a random date.  Don't place any Vegas bets on that date being special.
      I did get Christmas put away today, and for some reason I started bawling like a two year old who needs a diaper change.
     Time just is going by too quickly, and I am wasting so much of it.  Like I said, I am in a rut.
      Watching the Bears did not help my mood.
      But I do take heart, because pitchers and catchers report in about 40 days.....
     Peace and Love.

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