Monday, January 21, 2019

another mystery

Life is full of unsolved mysteries

     I did dark clothes today.  These are mostly, no, they are all  mine.  Shirts, socks, stuff like that.
     I have two feet.  I folded my clothes and I came up one sock short of a pair.
     I looked in the washer.  Nope.  I looked in the drier.  Nope.  Ditto for the laundry basket and the area around the laundry basket.  One sock is missing.
     How can that be?  I always wear two....I always put the dirty socks in, or close to, the laundry basket.
     Now I have an extra sock.  And I can't throw it out, because in two or three weeks, I will have an extra sock again and even though it is not a perfect match, I will pair it with the lonely sock.
     I have a bag of things in the pantry that looks pretty important.  But I have no idea what it goes on, just that it was important enough for me to put into a plastic zip bag and save.
     I started placing 142 pictures in my Netherlands book.  I clicked on the folder and dragged it to the desk top folder so I could download the pictures.  Next think I knew, I had 142 pictures on the desktop, not in the folder.  So I tried it again.
     You guess what happened next, , didn't you.
    284 pictures on the desktop, sometimes layered on top of each other.  It took me 20 minutes to remove them.
     On the third try, it worked like I thought it would and all the pictures went into a folder, which was downloaded to the book people.
     Now I have to place the 142 pictures.  I may have too many.
     The final mystery....I have not used my laptop since November.  I opened it today and....the touch pad does not work.  I don't know if it can be repaired because it might be considered antique by now.
      You might guess there is  possibly a picture on there I would like to print.....and I don't think it is saved anywhere else.  But I am not sure.
     Life's mysteries.  They just irritate the snot out of me.
     Peace and Love and happy dreams

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