Thursday, January 17, 2019

double oops

Sometimes my mistakes are not too bad

     Today, for instance.  Jackie had a doctor appointment in the suburbs. 
     The doctor took two or three phone calls when he was with us, but he had a good excuse.
     Seems his identity was stolen.
     Thieves got enough of his information to get credit cards in his name.  Not only that, they rented a car in Arizona and never returned it.  They rented another car in Hawaii and ..... never returned it .  So he is getting calls from car rental companies asking for the cars.
     He is living a nightmare.
     We went to eat at Portillo's after, and Judy, Jackie's sister joined us.
     I started lunch by knocking over my drink, which spilled all over the table.   Then Jackie knocked over hers, but it did not spill.  Later, on my way to rehearsal, my hot water fell over in the car.  Three're out!
     But my day was pretty good compared to the scientist in Indonesia who was eaten by the group's 12 foot long pet alligator.  They have yet to find all the body parts.
     And China planted a seed on the moon.  The Chinese have a green thumb like me; the seed sprouted but died.  I still have the paper whites that should bloom by Christmas.  Jackie said to throw them out because they are dead.  Me, the eternal optimist (don't laugh Bethie!  Rolling your eyes is ok) thinks they will grow taller  than the two inches they  currently are.
     And Louis C.K defended his sexual misconduct by saying he "liked to jerk off and he didn't like being alone."  If you are having a party or family gathering, I don't advise you to invite him.
    You can invite me though, I will behave.
     Peace and Love to all

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