Saturday, January 12, 2019

crazy is as crazy does

My dog has a problem

     Her name is Corki.  And she can't read this, so she will not be insulted by what I say.
     Corki is crazy.
     We had snow today.  There is 4 or 5 inches on the ground, a little more than the 1 or 2 we were projected to get.
     Anyway, tonight I let Corki out the front door.  She walks down the sidewalk, into the snow, comes back on the porch......and poops.   Twice.
     Then she walks back into the snow, comes back on the porch and urinates.
     What the hell!
     I did not intend to clean the sidewalk and porch tonight, but I did.  I would not want people to walk up to the front door to try to convert me to their religion and step in dog crap.  Well, maybe I do, but I cleared the sidewalk anyway.
     She did this last year too.  She would do her business on the porch, then walk out into the snow.  She does the same thing if we let her out the deck side....pees on the deck then goes out into the snow.
     Jackie just laughs.  But if I did what Corki does, we'd all be in trouble.  Damn dog gets away with murder.
     Peace and Love and snowflakes to all.

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