Tuesday, January 15, 2019

laugh or cry?

Watching TV late at night is an emotional roller coaster

     We watch a lot of the old shows, shows like Coach, Murphy Brown, Barney Miller....and while they are comedies, they are damn depressing.
     Every commercial break features children with cancer, animals abused and neglected, wounded veterans, animals endangered in the wild, crippled children....and believe me, these are all worthy causes.
     They always ask for $19 a month, or 63 cents a day. 
     Now, I know I pay a lot for coffee, so those commercials do make me feel a bit guilty.
     First off, I don't donate.
     Second of all, I laugh at the shows.  One minute I am laughing, the next minute I am near tears because of the heartache and heartbreak I see that I could eliminate for only 63 cents a day.
     And the medical commercials, mostly by law firms trolling for clients.  Bad mesh in hernia repairs, a non approved blood filter that is surgically implanted in your artery, all featuring the line, "if you or a loved one has died as a result of...."  I still can't figure out how if I died, I can call a lawyer.  Cause I believe I am going to heaven and most lawyers will be a long distance call from there!
     Then there is Hupy, or Abfaham, or Shatner, telling me they can get big money for accident victims.  They have a smiling lady saying, "They got me $4.3 million."  Do you know the kind of horrific accident you would have to be in to collect that much?  Certainly not the kind that allows you to smile and laugh at your good fortune of nearly getting killed by a negligent motorist.
     I guess I could watch the news, but that is just too damn depressing.  I certainly can't eat hamberders without having my stomach hurt.
     I heard a song today called "Don't" by a guy named Willie Nile.  "Don't let the suckers bring you down", he sings.  (ok, he originally did not use suckers, but radio stations would not play it)  I liked it.
     Last of all,,,,I am getting a cold, I think.  I have a cough.  My chest feels like a cold is coming on.
     So I have taken  some preventive action....a rather large hot toddy.
     So, please forgive the mistakes and ramblings.
     Peace and Love.  Or I'll sue.

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