Friday, January 11, 2019

the lost is....lost?

How the freak do you lose a dinosaur?

     When I go to the zoo to volunteer, I pick up a key on a plastic dinosaur so I can get downstairs.
     This plastic dinosaur is probably 5 or six inches long.  Realize, as a long practicing guy, 6 inches could be three.  But seriously, it is a big key holder.
     I signed in, put my coat in the locker, picked up a set of keys.....and could not find the dinosaur.
     I looked in my coat pockets.  Looked by the sign in place.  Looked at the shelves next to the sign in.  I had two other volunteers also looking for the dino....but after 5 minutes, nothing.
     I went and told my supervisor I had lost the freaking dinosaur!  Another person mentioned the open box by the lockers...maybe I had set it there and it fell in.
     So I went back and looked.  Nope.  Checked my coat pockets again.  Checked my hat.  Checked the locker above and below.  Nothing.
     Dino had disappeared.
     In desperation, I got on my hands and knees and looked under shelves....and there it was; under a shelf, way under a shelf, almost at the back.
     I must have dropped it and then kicked it.....but why wouldn't I have noticed that?
     Did I drop it and someone else kick it and not realize it?
     Then tonight, I put on a sweatshirt and was ready to go out the door when I realized I did not have my glasses on.
     Looked in the kitchen, bathroom, den, laundry area....could not find the suckers anywhere.
     I retraced every action I took and eventually found them on a shelf in the closet.  I must have taken them off while putting on the pull over sweatshirt.
     I think everything is found that was lost.
     Wait a second.....Jackie was with me earlier when we went out.  OH NO!!!
     Excuse me, I gotta get the car and go find her.
     Peace and Love and a Great Memory

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