Sunday, January 27, 2019

the end is here

The blizzard is coming!!!!!

     Don't go the the store right before a major snowstorm.
     I went to two today, and they were mad houses.
     I had to stop at Walmart to buy some gravy.
     I looked everywhere.  I passed a woman I knew and she asked me what I was looking for and I told her.
     She directed me two aisles over.  So I parked my cart, which had a bag of ice melter, my gloves, and a prescription, and went over for the gravy.
     I came cart was gone.  I know I left it on the end of the aisle!  And I had some high blood pressure meds in the cart.
     I wandered around and found it at the other end of the aisle.
    A guy was taking stuff out of it!  Now, I only had the ice melter and the prescription.  He was pulling soup, cereal, some canned stuff.....he looked at me and laughingly said, "This isn't my cart!"  I told him I know, it was mine and I was looking for it.  We both laughed.
     I guess  I am not the only one who does odd stuff.
     I am also on the hunt for hot chocolate mix, only using white chocolate!  I know Land of Lakes has some, but I only found it in one serving packets.  I really like it with a shot or two of Rum Chata.....but then again, that seems to make everything taste better.
     Luckily I have two bottles to last me through the week of hellish weather we are about to experience.
     Hope your power stays on, your furnace works, your pipes don't freeze...I may even let my faucets drip on Wednesday and Thursday.  And be sure to keep your furnace exhaust clear of snow.
     Stay warm.  Stay safe.
     Peace and Love.

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