Friday, January 4, 2019

ghost of past Christmas

More decorations are back in their boxes

     Today I gathered garland off the porch and shoved it into boxes.  (Not Judy Garland, although that would be pretty neat.  If she were alive, which she isn't.  Never mind.) We have 7 strands, 5 of which work, and I separated the working from the non working.  Next year I will pull off the dead lights and restring some lights.
     I tell you, the trade deficit with China has to be tremendous based on Christmas tree lights alone!  It seems every year I am buying new lights because the ones that worked last year don't work this year.
     Dang frustrating.
     But not as frustrating as the Dickens' Village.
     That came down today also.
     I am as careful as I can be, but I knocked over a little caroler.  (The joke used to be I knocked you down?  You're lucky I didn't knock you up.)
    And yes, this delightful hand painted by Chinese figure, about two inches tall, broke.  The scarf that dangles off his back became disconnected, shall we say.
     No problem....I have super glue!
     After finding the glue (a major accomplishment) I managed to glue my fingers together and the little piece to my pointer finger.  Luckily, everything pulled apart with a little rubbing alcohol and I tried again. 
     My hands are too huge and my eyes too weak to glue that one-eighth inch scarf back together.
     At some point, Jackie pointed out we have an extra one because someone (no use pointing fingers) broke the main piece a couple of years ago and we got a replacement.
     So the little caroler lives!
     All during the gluing attempt though, I had a sense of deja vu.
     I found the spare caroler and by golly, his scarf is broken at the same place!
     So next year, the caroler will have a shortened scarf.  And he may be joined by another caroler with a shortened scarf.  Symmetry can be beautiful.
     I have to go work on freeing my nail from the skin around it....I seemed to have glued them together.
     Peace and Love

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