Sunday, January 13, 2019

the lost weekend

No, this is not a review of a 1950's movie

     I believe Ray Milland played an alcoholic in that one.  No alcohol is involved in mine.
     I honestly don't know what happened.
     I came back from play practice Friday night.  Saturday it was snowing and I only went out to get the mail and shovel poop off the sidewalk.  I did put away the downstairs Christmas tree while watching the Chiefs win.  I also did a little cleaning down  there.
     Sunday I woke up, and the driveway was full of snow.
     Now, I had made arrangements for someone to plow my driveway.  But by 10, I figured he had forgotten and I started to get dressed.
     I checked Facebook and discovered a message from about 8:40 asking my address.  I gave it and within 10 minutes, I heard the pick up in the driveway.  (Explanation....plow guy was at someone else's house and told them he forgot which house was mine.  That person messaged me, I replied, and he texted plow guy, who was in the area.  A plus for the Internet!)
     What would have taken my 45 minutes took the man with the truck less than 5.  It is well worth it.
     I watched a little football, then started to read and fell asleep for about an hour and a half.  And we did talk to Julia, my nephew Michael, and my neice we are all caught up on the holiday news.
     Woke up, watched football, and Victoria and voila!  Weekend over.
     For someone who complains they don't have enough time, I sure wasted a lot of that today.
     I did step outside about 9 tonight and just stood in the dark, listening.  There were no car sounds, just quiet.  I didn't hear any owls, or coyotes, either.  Guess maybe everybody is hunkered down for the night.
     And yes, I had my hearing aids on.
     The problem with naps is it's now bedtime, and I'm not tired.
     Maybe a little reading and Echos will solve that problem.
     Peace and Love.

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