Friday, January 25, 2019

anger, rage, ire

I can get pretty angry sometimes

     Right now I am pretty upset with the weather predictors.  Cold next week, with lows about -19 and wind chills below -50 possible on Wednesday and Thursday.
     That's cold.
     Did I mention the possibility of a snowstorm Monday?  The European model says we could get 8-10 inches of new snow.  I don't know where the plow guy is going to push that!  I wondered if I should move my car to the last bay, just in case he runs out of room.
     Problem is I would have to move the mower, tractor, grill and a whole bunch of lawn and patio crap for something that may never happen.  Plus, I don't have an opener for that garage....or do I?
      I am still stewing about the lady in the red Ford pick up at Walmart yesterday.  She parked next to a cart park, so when she went to get into her truck, she was standing next to the cart park.   But she left her cart next to the passenger side door, in the empty parking space!  What the hell?  She was incapable of pushing the cart around the front of her truck and into the stall? 
     I would have said something, but she may have been never know when some nut will pull out a gun for pointing out their obvious intellectual deficiencies.
     I am through the toughest part of winter.  The dinner show I am in is tomorrow, so no more rehearsals at night.  Speech season is almost over, so no more meeting with students in the afternoon.  I figure that is about 12 hours of time a week I am freeing up to play spider solitaire.
     Or, who knows, maybe I'll work on getting some pictures in an organized format for a couple of programs I have in March.  Time will tell.  And there is always a photo book on the non Netherlands part of my summer of 18 to do.
     So much to do.... so little time.
     Peace and love to all.  Dress warm and be smart.

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