Wednesday, January 23, 2019

speaking of woods

I tried to snowshoe today

     In past years I put on my big boots and buckled the snowshoes on.  This year, I thought I would try lighter boots and the gaiters Emily got me for Christmas a couple of years ago.
     After putting on my long underwear, two pairs of socks, a thermal shirt and a sweatshirt, I was ready for my shoes and coat.  Then I struggled to bend over to put on the snowshoes.
     I even found my old cross country ski poles that I use when I snowshoe.
     Got ready, went out into the snow and walked about 10 feet before they snowshoes came off my feet.
     I need a couple of more holes in the straps.  Like I said, I used to wear bigger boots and the straps were fine for those, but the smaller boots need a little tighter grip.
     I opted to walk without snowshoes.
     The snow was plenty deep and I forgot how hard it is to walk for a long distance in snow that at times is knee deep.
     I got about a quarter of the distance I thought I would go, but I was just really tired.  So I headed home.  Turns out, I was out for almost an hour.  I was not cold, but my legs felt a little rubbery.  I am out of snow walking shape.
     Nadine, the woods are lovely, dark and deep...... glad you remembered it too.
     Peace and love.
     And pictures.

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