Wednesday, January 30, 2019

just a little while more

We are almost out of this polar vortex

     That's a strange phrase, isn't it.  Polar vortex.  If I understand, this vortex is over both poles, but sometimes it gets split up and runs amok.  (For you, Bethie!)
It is currently -25.  I can't remember a temperature that low in my life, and I am pretty old.
     Forecast calls for some snow tomorrow, then gradually warming until it hits almost 50 next week.  So we could have a 75 degree swing over the next week.       You have to love it.
   There is not much to talk about when you don't leave the house.  I stuck my head out a couple of times to check the furnace pipes and to check on Corki.  But aside from that, I stayed in the house and counted my blessings.
     We have heat.  We have power.  We have shelter.  We have food.  We have a comfortable life.
     I think of the thousands of people living on the streets in cities like Chicago, Rockford, DeKalb and even, I imagine, Rochelle.
     My heart goes out to them. 
     What is hard for me to grasp is some of them are there by choice.  Like I said, I can't understand that.
     Hopefully things start getting back to normal.  Schools and businesses open, roads cleared.
     Just think....pitchers and catchers report in about 2 weeks.....spring can't be far behind.
     Peace and Love

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