Wednesday, January 9, 2019

ringing in my ears

My hearing aids have Bluetooth capability

     That can be a curse.
     I can turn off my ring tone, but the tone sounds in my ear.
     So here's what happens.
     I get out of my car at the high school, go in and discover I left my phone in the car.  I go out to get it, can't find it.  I think maybe it's in my coat after all, but no.    I make a second trip to the car.  Can't find it.
     I go back in the high school and one of the students volunteers to call me.
     I say great, and go back to the car.
     But since I had been in the dentist's office, I had it set to vibrate.  (Actually, it was an oral surgeon to set up the Tooth Removal and Replacement Project).  So when the young man called, it rang in my hearing aids but I could not tell where the phone was!
     Eventually, I found it wedged under the seat and retrieved it, and went back into the high school for the third time.
     I was working with a couple of students.  We were sitting there talking about their speech events when my phone rang. 
     I answer it, talking to my son in law about rehearsal tonight.
     I hang up and these girls are staring at me like I am a crazy person.
     Turns out, they could not hear the ring or John talking to me.  All they heard, and saw, was this old man talking to his cell phone and no one responding.
     I explained the hearing aids and the whole bit and one girl said, "We were wondering....because, like, you just starting talking to your phone  We didn't hear it ring or anything.  It was weird."
     So, the lesson learned is at speech I need to turn the Bluetooth off.  Otherwise people will start to wonder about me.  Again.
     Peace and Love.  And good dreams.

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