Saturday, January 26, 2019

it's a wrap

We did our murder mystery to night

      I always have fun doing these.  It usually is highly interactive and with a lot of improv.
     I was Robór, a French chef.  What makes these shows hard in a way is when people you know come up and talk to you.  They say, "Hi Terry,"  and I have to respond, "No no, I am Robor, chef from France....who is this Terry you speak of?"
     Then the person will realize what I am doing, and they generally go along with it.
     But there is always one.
     Hello Terry.
     No, I am Robor, a chef.
     OK.  Did you have any problems getting here?  The roads are bad.
     Roads?  We landed in an airplane.  We are stuck here.
     Hope you have fun.  I'm going to talk to Beth.

     Beth was Skye, another person in the play.
     Once, only once, I think, I slipped out of character when talking with some of TC's friends.  I asked them if they had cake yet, they said no, and in my completely normal voice I said, I will get you some.  They caught it right away!
     Otherwise I tried to maintain a French accent, throwing in a couple of phrases, doing my best.....and I loved doing that part.
     One table had six people from Chicago!  They saw it advertised on Facebook and they love murder mystery dinners, so they drove out.  I hope they had a good time and a safe trip home.
     One problem I did not think about, to occupy my time I went to the coffee bar several times.  That gave me an excuse to leave one table and go to another.  I may have had too much coffee to sleep.
     Time will tell.
     So.......Curtain, Lights, That's a wrap.
     Peace and Love and happy endings.

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