Thursday, January 3, 2019

I hereby resolve...crap

I generally don't make many resolutions

     I did make some this year:

     Get to bed by 10:30.  Seeing as it is already 10:45, I guess I have  broken that one.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Get up by 8 a.m.  I was up at 8:30 this morning.  Close, but no cigar. 
     Stop snacking at 8 p.m.  I just had a handful of something called bar mix.  Like Chex mix, only saltier and with nuts.  And a cookie.  And a piece of chocolate.  Damn.
     Cut down on sugar  See above
      Don't complain as much,   See above.  Damn!
     Be on time for meetings and rehearsals  Got this one!!  Arrived at 6:30 exactly!  Of course, that was only one night, but still.  Have to start somewhere.
     Keep cars in cleaner shape  Ok, I may have this one.  I ran Jackie's car through the car wash today and I emptied that car, and my car, of all the receipts and wrappers.  Understand, I did not vacuum my car for about 16 months and it was a pit.  Now, it is clean.  I just have to keep it that way. 
     My question is, if a resolution is broken, do I still try to keep it?  Doing something regularly can be a big thing for someone who has not done that in his life, except for this blog.  Remember, it started as a New Year's Resolution a few years back.
     If I can do this every day, I should be able to eat wiser, snack less, be on time, get to bed earlier, and get up earlier.
     It's not rocket science.
     Guess I have to put my BB pants on for 2019.
     Peace and Love to all....If I go fast, I can still get to bed  before 11.  Gotta finish my cookie first.

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