Tuesday, January 29, 2019

oops, best laid plans

I lost track of time

     Yesterday my plans for today included 5 activities.  I got one done...cleaned the floors.
     Now, it really wasn't me goofing off.  The phone rang at 8:15 this morning, asking if I wanted to come to my doctor's appointment earlier than the 3:30 scheduled time.
     I had forgotten about the doctor.
     The scheduler said if I could come early they would work me in because they anticipated some cancellations.  Really?  Strong winds, low temps, blowing and drifting snow and people are going to cancel?  Pish-posh to that!
     I got there at about 2.  Then  roads were not real bad.  Well, take a look:

     And no, I was not driving for this photo.  The light was red, I was the only car on the road in my area, so I stopped way back and took the picture.
     My appointment was in DeKalb, so I took the tollway, which was clear.
     At this point the temperature was 4, but the wind was pretty strong.
     After my appointment, I went home the same way.  North and south roads were a little snow packed and I imagine that will get worse overnight.
     By the way, the good doctor said I was ok for a "man your age."  And he was not saying it in a deprecating way, just that at age 70, parts of your body don't seem to work as well as they did when you were 50.  So ok can be good.
     Tomorrow I will work on the four other tasks not accomplished today.
     And stay warm.
Love and Peace and warm thoughts

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