Monday, January 28, 2019

the big chill

I am hunkered down for the next couple of days

     I have some projects:
        Working on pictures from last summer's non Netherlands trip
        Cleaning the floors
        Doing a slide show on the museum
        Preparing pictures for a program on travel
        Reading a book

     Now, what I will probably do is play spider solitaire and take a nap.
     I have some tv to catch up on also, so maybe I will just veg out in front of the boob tube.
     We seem to be getting the colder sooner than expected, and maybe that is good.
     But -40 or -50 wind chills are never good things.  If it warms up into the 20s later this week, I might even try the snowshoes again.
     Folks...don't do anything stupid over the next couple of days.
     That's all I have tonight.
     Peace and Love and Warmth

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