Thursday, January 31, 2019

the end

I love listening to the Beatles

     And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.......
     Ringo is awesome on the drums on that song, appropriately titled, The End.
I believe it is the last Beatles song recorded.  I may be wrong, but that is what I do believe.  I think I heard that somewhere, but my facts sometimes get confused.
     I often take their music for granted.  I often forget they were not together that long, less than 10 years.  I get reminded of that from time to time on the Beatles channel on Sirius.  Once they played the top 75 songs of the Beatles from 1965 to 1969.....think of that!  75 songs in a 4 year period!  That is freaking amazing.
     They are the Greatest Band of All Time, in my humble opinion.
     So this is my new bucket list item.
     I want to go to Liverpool.  I want to walk down Penny Lane, see the barber shop, visit Paul's house, walk across the crosswalk they do on the Abbey Road cover.  I want to stop in a pub and have some fish and chips and hope that Paul wanders in, or maybe Ringo.  They would nod, say hello, and visit with me for a few moments.
     When they broke up, I was sad, but honestly, I did not comprehend the impact they would have in the music world.
     Now I do.  It's not to late to try to revisit it.
     So, Liverpool goes on the list and maybe I will couple it with a barge/biking tour in France. 
     Time will tell.
     Love and Peace.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

just a little while more

We are almost out of this polar vortex

     That's a strange phrase, isn't it.  Polar vortex.  If I understand, this vortex is over both poles, but sometimes it gets split up and runs amok.  (For you, Bethie!)
It is currently -25.  I can't remember a temperature that low in my life, and I am pretty old.
     Forecast calls for some snow tomorrow, then gradually warming until it hits almost 50 next week.  So we could have a 75 degree swing over the next week.       You have to love it.
   There is not much to talk about when you don't leave the house.  I stuck my head out a couple of times to check the furnace pipes and to check on Corki.  But aside from that, I stayed in the house and counted my blessings.
     We have heat.  We have power.  We have shelter.  We have food.  We have a comfortable life.
     I think of the thousands of people living on the streets in cities like Chicago, Rockford, DeKalb and even, I imagine, Rochelle.
     My heart goes out to them. 
     What is hard for me to grasp is some of them are there by choice.  Like I said, I can't understand that.
     Hopefully things start getting back to normal.  Schools and businesses open, roads cleared.
     Just think....pitchers and catchers report in about 2 weeks.....spring can't be far behind.
     Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

oops, best laid plans

I lost track of time

     Yesterday my plans for today included 5 activities.  I got one done...cleaned the floors.
     Now, it really wasn't me goofing off.  The phone rang at 8:15 this morning, asking if I wanted to come to my doctor's appointment earlier than the 3:30 scheduled time.
     I had forgotten about the doctor.
     The scheduler said if I could come early they would work me in because they anticipated some cancellations.  Really?  Strong winds, low temps, blowing and drifting snow and people are going to cancel?  Pish-posh to that!
     I got there at about 2.  Then  roads were not real bad.  Well, take a look:

     And no, I was not driving for this photo.  The light was red, I was the only car on the road in my area, so I stopped way back and took the picture.
     My appointment was in DeKalb, so I took the tollway, which was clear.
     At this point the temperature was 4, but the wind was pretty strong.
     After my appointment, I went home the same way.  North and south roads were a little snow packed and I imagine that will get worse overnight.
     By the way, the good doctor said I was ok for a "man your age."  And he was not saying it in a deprecating way, just that at age 70, parts of your body don't seem to work as well as they did when you were 50.  So ok can be good.
     Tomorrow I will work on the four other tasks not accomplished today.
     And stay warm.
Love and Peace and warm thoughts

Monday, January 28, 2019

the big chill

I am hunkered down for the next couple of days

     I have some projects:
        Working on pictures from last summer's non Netherlands trip
        Cleaning the floors
        Doing a slide show on the museum
        Preparing pictures for a program on travel
        Reading a book

     Now, what I will probably do is play spider solitaire and take a nap.
     I have some tv to catch up on also, so maybe I will just veg out in front of the boob tube.
     We seem to be getting the colder sooner than expected, and maybe that is good.
     But -40 or -50 wind chills are never good things.  If it warms up into the 20s later this week, I might even try the snowshoes again.
     Folks...don't do anything stupid over the next couple of days.
     That's all I have tonight.
     Peace and Love and Warmth

Sunday, January 27, 2019

the end is here

The blizzard is coming!!!!!

     Don't go the the store right before a major snowstorm.
     I went to two today, and they were mad houses.
     I had to stop at Walmart to buy some gravy.
     I looked everywhere.  I passed a woman I knew and she asked me what I was looking for and I told her.
     She directed me two aisles over.  So I parked my cart, which had a bag of ice melter, my gloves, and a prescription, and went over for the gravy.
     I came cart was gone.  I know I left it on the end of the aisle!  And I had some high blood pressure meds in the cart.
     I wandered around and found it at the other end of the aisle.
    A guy was taking stuff out of it!  Now, I only had the ice melter and the prescription.  He was pulling soup, cereal, some canned stuff.....he looked at me and laughingly said, "This isn't my cart!"  I told him I know, it was mine and I was looking for it.  We both laughed.
     I guess  I am not the only one who does odd stuff.
     I am also on the hunt for hot chocolate mix, only using white chocolate!  I know Land of Lakes has some, but I only found it in one serving packets.  I really like it with a shot or two of Rum Chata.....but then again, that seems to make everything taste better.
     Luckily I have two bottles to last me through the week of hellish weather we are about to experience.
     Hope your power stays on, your furnace works, your pipes don't freeze...I may even let my faucets drip on Wednesday and Thursday.  And be sure to keep your furnace exhaust clear of snow.
     Stay warm.  Stay safe.
     Peace and Love.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

it's a wrap

We did our murder mystery to night

      I always have fun doing these.  It usually is highly interactive and with a lot of improv.
     I was Robór, a French chef.  What makes these shows hard in a way is when people you know come up and talk to you.  They say, "Hi Terry,"  and I have to respond, "No no, I am Robor, chef from France....who is this Terry you speak of?"
     Then the person will realize what I am doing, and they generally go along with it.
     But there is always one.
     Hello Terry.
     No, I am Robor, a chef.
     OK.  Did you have any problems getting here?  The roads are bad.
     Roads?  We landed in an airplane.  We are stuck here.
     Hope you have fun.  I'm going to talk to Beth.

     Beth was Skye, another person in the play.
     Once, only once, I think, I slipped out of character when talking with some of TC's friends.  I asked them if they had cake yet, they said no, and in my completely normal voice I said, I will get you some.  They caught it right away!
     Otherwise I tried to maintain a French accent, throwing in a couple of phrases, doing my best.....and I loved doing that part.
     One table had six people from Chicago!  They saw it advertised on Facebook and they love murder mystery dinners, so they drove out.  I hope they had a good time and a safe trip home.
     One problem I did not think about, to occupy my time I went to the coffee bar several times.  That gave me an excuse to leave one table and go to another.  I may have had too much coffee to sleep.
     Time will tell.
     So.......Curtain, Lights, That's a wrap.
     Peace and Love and happy endings.

Friday, January 25, 2019

anger, rage, ire

I can get pretty angry sometimes

     Right now I am pretty upset with the weather predictors.  Cold next week, with lows about -19 and wind chills below -50 possible on Wednesday and Thursday.
     That's cold.
     Did I mention the possibility of a snowstorm Monday?  The European model says we could get 8-10 inches of new snow.  I don't know where the plow guy is going to push that!  I wondered if I should move my car to the last bay, just in case he runs out of room.
     Problem is I would have to move the mower, tractor, grill and a whole bunch of lawn and patio crap for something that may never happen.  Plus, I don't have an opener for that garage....or do I?
      I am still stewing about the lady in the red Ford pick up at Walmart yesterday.  She parked next to a cart park, so when she went to get into her truck, she was standing next to the cart park.   But she left her cart next to the passenger side door, in the empty parking space!  What the hell?  She was incapable of pushing the cart around the front of her truck and into the stall? 
     I would have said something, but she may have been never know when some nut will pull out a gun for pointing out their obvious intellectual deficiencies.
     I am through the toughest part of winter.  The dinner show I am in is tomorrow, so no more rehearsals at night.  Speech season is almost over, so no more meeting with students in the afternoon.  I figure that is about 12 hours of time a week I am freeing up to play spider solitaire.
     Or, who knows, maybe I'll work on getting some pictures in an organized format for a couple of programs I have in March.  Time will tell.  And there is always a photo book on the non Netherlands part of my summer of 18 to do.
     So much to do.... so little time.
     Peace and love to all.  Dress warm and be smart.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

are you serious?

Next week should be a doozy

     I normally don't complain about the weather, but I am a little concerned.
     Tonight is is negative one as I type.  The wind chills are supposed to be in the minus 20 range by morning.
     School is cancelled.  Second time this week.  Well, first time because there was an early dismissal the day the snow hit on Tuesday.  But still.
     There are forecast lows of -10 for later next week.  That is without the wind chill.  The following day it warms up to -7.
     I always had a problem explaining the negative concept to kids.  If it is zero, then how can it be less than zero?  I admit, it still confuses me.
     I know how it feels to go from 80 to 40.  But going from 32 to -8 is the same number of degrees, but once you hit the 0 mark it really seems hard to notice a difference.
     All I know is, it is cold.
My heart goes out to those poor souls who are homeless, and dogs and cats that are "outside" animals.
     Of course, there will be snow at some point.  One forecaster said on Tuesday of this week that the clipper moving in on Sunday/Monday could be a snow producer, with up to a foot of snow accumulating in a little circle that seems to surround Rochelle.
     Winter does bring me some time to regret.  Or reflect.
     I wish I had the opportunity to learn to ski.  I love watching people go down the slopes and I usually wish it was me.
     When I see Matt, and Kevin, and Michael, and Ben, and Mike, and Lauren,  and John, and... well, the list goes on and on.  But they seem to go down the hills so effortlessly.  I wish I had that skill.
     I also wish I had gone sledding more.  We used to go to the hill at Montrose Beach, and I even took the girls there when they were little.  We went to the local conservation club and went down that hill often.
     I would love to be able to ice skate.
     But those days are gone.  I miss the cold wind on my face.  It's not the same standing outside watching the dog pee.
     Stay warm, my friends. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

speaking of woods

I tried to snowshoe today

     In past years I put on my big boots and buckled the snowshoes on.  This year, I thought I would try lighter boots and the gaiters Emily got me for Christmas a couple of years ago.
     After putting on my long underwear, two pairs of socks, a thermal shirt and a sweatshirt, I was ready for my shoes and coat.  Then I struggled to bend over to put on the snowshoes.
     I even found my old cross country ski poles that I use when I snowshoe.
     Got ready, went out into the snow and walked about 10 feet before they snowshoes came off my feet.
     I need a couple of more holes in the straps.  Like I said, I used to wear bigger boots and the straps were fine for those, but the smaller boots need a little tighter grip.
     I opted to walk without snowshoes.
     The snow was plenty deep and I forgot how hard it is to walk for a long distance in snow that at times is knee deep.
     I got about a quarter of the distance I thought I would go, but I was just really tired.  So I headed home.  Turns out, I was out for almost an hour.  I was not cold, but my legs felt a little rubbery.  I am out of snow walking shape.
     Nadine, the woods are lovely, dark and deep...... glad you remembered it too.
     Peace and love.
     And pictures.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


For eighth grade graduation, we memorized a poem

I always think of it on nights like this.

Whose woods these are,
I think I know.
His house is in the village though
He will not see me stopping here 
to watch his woods fill up with snow

My little horse must think it queer
to stop without a farmhouse near
Between the hill and frozen lake
the darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
to ask if there is some mistake...

I can't remember the rest.  something about sounds, the flakes......and I will have to look it up when I am done to see how well the memory has held up.
I do remember the ending:
I have miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep.

I too have miles to go before I sleep.  For now, I am just enjoying the ride.
But I wish I had a horse,  And a sleigh.  And a wood.  It just seems that it would be a fun night to go out.
Peace and love.

Monday, January 21, 2019

another mystery

Life is full of unsolved mysteries

     I did dark clothes today.  These are mostly, no, they are all  mine.  Shirts, socks, stuff like that.
     I have two feet.  I folded my clothes and I came up one sock short of a pair.
     I looked in the washer.  Nope.  I looked in the drier.  Nope.  Ditto for the laundry basket and the area around the laundry basket.  One sock is missing.
     How can that be?  I always wear two....I always put the dirty socks in, or close to, the laundry basket.
     Now I have an extra sock.  And I can't throw it out, because in two or three weeks, I will have an extra sock again and even though it is not a perfect match, I will pair it with the lonely sock.
     I have a bag of things in the pantry that looks pretty important.  But I have no idea what it goes on, just that it was important enough for me to put into a plastic zip bag and save.
     I started placing 142 pictures in my Netherlands book.  I clicked on the folder and dragged it to the desk top folder so I could download the pictures.  Next think I knew, I had 142 pictures on the desktop, not in the folder.  So I tried it again.
     You guess what happened next, , didn't you.
    284 pictures on the desktop, sometimes layered on top of each other.  It took me 20 minutes to remove them.
     On the third try, it worked like I thought it would and all the pictures went into a folder, which was downloaded to the book people.
     Now I have to place the 142 pictures.  I may have too many.
     The final mystery....I have not used my laptop since November.  I opened it today and....the touch pad does not work.  I don't know if it can be repaired because it might be considered antique by now.
      You might guess there is  possibly a picture on there I would like to print.....and I don't think it is saved anywhere else.  But I am not sure.
     Life's mysteries.  They just irritate the snot out of me.
     Peace and Love and happy dreams

Sunday, January 20, 2019

about time

I finally saw a blood moon tonight

     I say finally, because it seems every time there is a major astronomical event it is cloudy.  Eclipse?  Cloudy.  Comet?  Cloudy. Perseid meteor showers?  You guessed it, cloudy.
     But tonight, I stayed up to watch most of the eclipse.  I went outside to try to take some pictures, but:  A....I don't know how to take good moon pictures.  B.  It was too cold to figure it out.  C...It was cold.  I want to emphasize it was cold.
     I could see it from my one window, and I just hope my neighbors don't think I was being a peeping Tom, looking out my window so often.
     It was pretty neat.
     That was the highlight of my day.
     Emily's John and my friend Carrie took part in something called the Frozen Otter in Wisconsin.  It is a 64 mile marathon through the woods.  John made 16 miles, which I think is amazing.  Carrie went 53 miles, which is double amazing.       I was freezing walking to the mailbox.  They started Saturday morning and had 24 hours to complete the course.  Not even when I was young and much fitter could I have done any portion of that. 
     I did go to Walmart before the football games started.  I always park next to a tree or light pole as a point of reference.
     As I was walking into the store, a lady came out with her two young girls.  She was about 30 at the most.  The conversation went something like this:
     Girl:   "I don't see our car."
     Lady:  "I know we parked out here.  Or maybe in the next aisle."
     Girl:   "I don't see our car."
    Smaller girl:  "I'm cold."
     Lady:   "It miust be in the next aisle."
     So it is not only us older folks who forget where we park.
     I don't think I have forgotten anything today.
     Oh, wait!  I took Jackie out 56 minutes ago to look at the eclipse and I forgot she was out there!
     Oh oh......
     Peace and Love and stay warm.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

this one, no this one

I have a hard time making decisions

Winter project one is to create a book of my Netherlands biking trip.  Yes, it has been seven months, but I have started on it.
I went through the pictures and picked out the ones I really liked.  There are about 200.
Now I have gone through them a couple of times and I have eliminated a couple...but not enough.  I think I need to get it down to under 100.
Every time I go through all the pictures I find more I like, so the original number for the book is growing.
I have several sets of pictures I need to go through while the weather is cold.  I just have a hard time doing that.  But the longer I wait, the less I will remember about any trip, so I need to do it soon.
Why bother?
Someday I think the books will come in handy, maybe at a time when I can't remember things, or travel, or eat without drooling, and the books may be a source of comfort to me.
And I do look at them from time to time....  they bring back fond memories of fun times.
Oh well, I'll work on it tomorrow....tonight I am going to bed early and hopefully fighting this cold to the finish.  It is really sapping my energy.
Peace and Love to all......

Friday, January 18, 2019

silent night

The snow has finally started 

     It must have been sometime around 9, a little later than expected.
     I went out with Corki at about 10:30 and it was so quiet, just the wind and the snow coming down and the sound of a train on the BN tracks.
     I didn't hear any cars, or dogs barking.  Just quiet.
     I have a fantasy.  I am in a log cabin during a blizzard.  The two room cabin has a huge fireplace and there's an ample supply of wood.  I have a light and provisions, so I can sit and listen to the wind howl while reading a book and sipping some hot chocolate.
     I sometimes think of calling White Pines or Starved Rock right before a blizzard and renting a cabin, but I know Jackie would not appreciate sitting out a raging storm.
     As long as I could flush the toilet, I would be ok.
     We are supposed to get six inches or so.  It feels like a wet snow, so I imagine it will be heavy.  If you have cracked ribs, don't shovel!!
     The problem may be driving over the next couple of days.  So to those doing the Frozen Otter, be very careful during the run and coming home.  Don't do anything foolish.
     When we lived in the old house, I would go out in my sheepskin coat and stand under the pine trees, listening to the wind and the snow coming down.
     After a few minutes, you don't feel the cold and it is so calming and peaceful.
     Then the next day comes and idiots on their snowmobiles will be all over the place, people will be sliding off the road, horns will be honking, planes flying low.......maybe I'll just go back out now and enjoy the quiet.
     Peace and Love

Thursday, January 17, 2019

double oops

Sometimes my mistakes are not too bad

     Today, for instance.  Jackie had a doctor appointment in the suburbs. 
     The doctor took two or three phone calls when he was with us, but he had a good excuse.
     Seems his identity was stolen.
     Thieves got enough of his information to get credit cards in his name.  Not only that, they rented a car in Arizona and never returned it.  They rented another car in Hawaii and ..... never returned it .  So he is getting calls from car rental companies asking for the cars.
     He is living a nightmare.
     We went to eat at Portillo's after, and Judy, Jackie's sister joined us.
     I started lunch by knocking over my drink, which spilled all over the table.   Then Jackie knocked over hers, but it did not spill.  Later, on my way to rehearsal, my hot water fell over in the car.  Three're out!
     But my day was pretty good compared to the scientist in Indonesia who was eaten by the group's 12 foot long pet alligator.  They have yet to find all the body parts.
     And China planted a seed on the moon.  The Chinese have a green thumb like me; the seed sprouted but died.  I still have the paper whites that should bloom by Christmas.  Jackie said to throw them out because they are dead.  Me, the eternal optimist (don't laugh Bethie!  Rolling your eyes is ok) thinks they will grow taller  than the two inches they  currently are.
     And Louis C.K defended his sexual misconduct by saying he "liked to jerk off and he didn't like being alone."  If you are having a party or family gathering, I don't advise you to invite him.
    You can invite me though, I will behave.
     Peace and Love to all

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

do it myself?

One benefit of aging is not doing stuff

     I have always had a hard time cutting my toe nails.  I know, disgusting topic.
Fingernails are fine.  But toenails?  Just thinking of them makes my skin crawl.
     My dad hated cutting his.  I swear, they were an inch long at times.  I think he had extra large shoes in the closet just in case.
     I digress.
     I notice that with an abnormally large belly and failing eyesight, trimming my toenails can be dangerous.  Once I  actually cut off my little toe.  Well, not actually off.  And it didn't bleed.  But it could have.
     So now I go to a spa and get a pedicure. 
     Go ahead...laugh.  A guy at the spa?  Happens all the time.
     Jackie and I get our nails trimmed because we can't seem to do it ourselves. 
     I used to clean house every week.  Vacuum, dust, clean toilets, wash floors, wash mirrors...the whole ball of wax.  Now, we have someone come in every other week and all I do is a quick clean on the off week and dust the floors every couple of minutes to get the dog hair.
     I used to buy fertilizer for the yard.  I would read the info and buy stuff in the spring to give the yard a spring feed.  Long about July 15 I would finally apply the spring feed, providing the wind and rain predictions allowed me to do that.       Now I have a service that comes 6 times a year to feed and weed the yard.
After spending four hours doing the driveway after the last snow, I called a guy and he now will plow after two inches.  I think he will be busy in the next couple of days.
     We are lucky, we can afford to do this.  A lot of people can't.
     I keep hearing that money can't buy happiness and I disagree every time my house gets cleaned or the yard gets treated.
     Next up....a cook and yard my dreams.
     I am tired and I have a cough.  I just had a nice hot toddy and am getting very drowsy; so good night.
     Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

laugh or cry?

Watching TV late at night is an emotional roller coaster

     We watch a lot of the old shows, shows like Coach, Murphy Brown, Barney Miller....and while they are comedies, they are damn depressing.
     Every commercial break features children with cancer, animals abused and neglected, wounded veterans, animals endangered in the wild, crippled children....and believe me, these are all worthy causes.
     They always ask for $19 a month, or 63 cents a day. 
     Now, I know I pay a lot for coffee, so those commercials do make me feel a bit guilty.
     First off, I don't donate.
     Second of all, I laugh at the shows.  One minute I am laughing, the next minute I am near tears because of the heartache and heartbreak I see that I could eliminate for only 63 cents a day.
     And the medical commercials, mostly by law firms trolling for clients.  Bad mesh in hernia repairs, a non approved blood filter that is surgically implanted in your artery, all featuring the line, "if you or a loved one has died as a result of...."  I still can't figure out how if I died, I can call a lawyer.  Cause I believe I am going to heaven and most lawyers will be a long distance call from there!
     Then there is Hupy, or Abfaham, or Shatner, telling me they can get big money for accident victims.  They have a smiling lady saying, "They got me $4.3 million."  Do you know the kind of horrific accident you would have to be in to collect that much?  Certainly not the kind that allows you to smile and laugh at your good fortune of nearly getting killed by a negligent motorist.
     I guess I could watch the news, but that is just too damn depressing.  I certainly can't eat hamberders without having my stomach hurt.
     I heard a song today called "Don't" by a guy named Willie Nile.  "Don't let the suckers bring you down", he sings.  (ok, he originally did not use suckers, but radio stations would not play it)  I liked it.
     Last of all,,,,I am getting a cold, I think.  I have a cough.  My chest feels like a cold is coming on.
     So I have taken  some preventive action....a rather large hot toddy.
     So, please forgive the mistakes and ramblings.
     Peace and Love.  Or I'll sue.

Monday, January 14, 2019

am I awake?

I had a strange sleep experience last night

     I took a nap during the day.  When I went to bed at 11, I was not tired.  I did not want to stay up, so I just laid in bed.  (Lied in bed?  I told the truth.  Lay in bed?  Maybe.)
     I was awake.  Or so I thought.
     I am putting together a slide show on my travels.  As I was in bed, (I think I will avoid the lie, lay, lieing, laid issue for now) I dept thinking of places we had been.
     I was fixated on a town we visited in Italy.  We stayed in a huge villa, that was black.  It was on the water.  Lots of walkways and porticoes around to give it a very strange appearance.
     There were boats in the water, and we used one to go from one side of the lagoon to the other.
     I was awake, wondering what the name of the town was.
     And then it hit me......I had never been to such a place in my life!  I asked Jackie about it this morning, and she looked at me like I was nuts.
     Here are my questions:
          Was I really asleep, and dreaming I was awake?
          Was I hallucinating due to a lack of sleep?
          Was I day dreaming?
           Is this the first step toward total insanity?
          Will I now be living in two worlds, the real one and the one I think I live in?
     What I thought was weird was...... I really want to go find this place.
     So, if anyone knows a resort/villa/hotel that is Moorish looking in nature and all black, somewhere in Italy, on the water, let me know.  I'd like to go visit there again, for the first time.
     Peace and Love and good dreams

Sunday, January 13, 2019

the lost weekend

No, this is not a review of a 1950's movie

     I believe Ray Milland played an alcoholic in that one.  No alcohol is involved in mine.
     I honestly don't know what happened.
     I came back from play practice Friday night.  Saturday it was snowing and I only went out to get the mail and shovel poop off the sidewalk.  I did put away the downstairs Christmas tree while watching the Chiefs win.  I also did a little cleaning down  there.
     Sunday I woke up, and the driveway was full of snow.
     Now, I had made arrangements for someone to plow my driveway.  But by 10, I figured he had forgotten and I started to get dressed.
     I checked Facebook and discovered a message from about 8:40 asking my address.  I gave it and within 10 minutes, I heard the pick up in the driveway.  (Explanation....plow guy was at someone else's house and told them he forgot which house was mine.  That person messaged me, I replied, and he texted plow guy, who was in the area.  A plus for the Internet!)
     What would have taken my 45 minutes took the man with the truck less than 5.  It is well worth it.
     I watched a little football, then started to read and fell asleep for about an hour and a half.  And we did talk to Julia, my nephew Michael, and my neice we are all caught up on the holiday news.
     Woke up, watched football, and Victoria and voila!  Weekend over.
     For someone who complains they don't have enough time, I sure wasted a lot of that today.
     I did step outside about 9 tonight and just stood in the dark, listening.  There were no car sounds, just quiet.  I didn't hear any owls, or coyotes, either.  Guess maybe everybody is hunkered down for the night.
     And yes, I had my hearing aids on.
     The problem with naps is it's now bedtime, and I'm not tired.
     Maybe a little reading and Echos will solve that problem.
     Peace and Love.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

crazy is as crazy does

My dog has a problem

     Her name is Corki.  And she can't read this, so she will not be insulted by what I say.
     Corki is crazy.
     We had snow today.  There is 4 or 5 inches on the ground, a little more than the 1 or 2 we were projected to get.
     Anyway, tonight I let Corki out the front door.  She walks down the sidewalk, into the snow, comes back on the porch......and poops.   Twice.
     Then she walks back into the snow, comes back on the porch and urinates.
     What the hell!
     I did not intend to clean the sidewalk and porch tonight, but I did.  I would not want people to walk up to the front door to try to convert me to their religion and step in dog crap.  Well, maybe I do, but I cleared the sidewalk anyway.
     She did this last year too.  She would do her business on the porch, then walk out into the snow.  She does the same thing if we let her out the deck side....pees on the deck then goes out into the snow.
     Jackie just laughs.  But if I did what Corki does, we'd all be in trouble.  Damn dog gets away with murder.
     Peace and Love and snowflakes to all.

Friday, January 11, 2019

the lost is....lost?

How the freak do you lose a dinosaur?

     When I go to the zoo to volunteer, I pick up a key on a plastic dinosaur so I can get downstairs.
     This plastic dinosaur is probably 5 or six inches long.  Realize, as a long practicing guy, 6 inches could be three.  But seriously, it is a big key holder.
     I signed in, put my coat in the locker, picked up a set of keys.....and could not find the dinosaur.
     I looked in my coat pockets.  Looked by the sign in place.  Looked at the shelves next to the sign in.  I had two other volunteers also looking for the dino....but after 5 minutes, nothing.
     I went and told my supervisor I had lost the freaking dinosaur!  Another person mentioned the open box by the lockers...maybe I had set it there and it fell in.
     So I went back and looked.  Nope.  Checked my coat pockets again.  Checked my hat.  Checked the locker above and below.  Nothing.
     Dino had disappeared.
     In desperation, I got on my hands and knees and looked under shelves....and there it was; under a shelf, way under a shelf, almost at the back.
     I must have dropped it and then kicked it.....but why wouldn't I have noticed that?
     Did I drop it and someone else kick it and not realize it?
     Then tonight, I put on a sweatshirt and was ready to go out the door when I realized I did not have my glasses on.
     Looked in the kitchen, bathroom, den, laundry area....could not find the suckers anywhere.
     I retraced every action I took and eventually found them on a shelf in the closet.  I must have taken them off while putting on the pull over sweatshirt.
     I think everything is found that was lost.
     Wait a second.....Jackie was with me earlier when we went out.  OH NO!!!
     Excuse me, I gotta get the car and go find her.
     Peace and Love and a Great Memory

Thursday, January 10, 2019

yeah, about that

I keep hearing about decluttering

     Japanese cleaning, or Swedish cleaning, or some other country cleaning strategy.
     Instead of tackling a huge project, doe one or two things at a time.  Instead of spending a day getting rid of stuff, spend 15 minutes.
     Here's how that works for me.
     I find something I don't want, or need, or use.  I pick it up, then the telephone rings.  It's Joe from the prize authorization center, or Stephanie who wants to tell me I won a contest to lower my Com Ed electric bills.
     In frustration over telemarketers infringing on my privacy, I go play spider solitaire on the computer.
     One hour later, I get up and find the original item I was going to get rid of, get confused why it is on the kitchen counter, and put it back where it has been for the past 6 years.
     Result?  Two hours of decluttering and not one piece of crap gone.
     Years ago we bought some laundry detergent.  We have a front load washer, and it needs HE type detergent.  This is not.  It has been here for years.
     Today, I took it and a never opened package of Tide Pods to the homeless shelter for them to use.
       I did not just take it down....I contacted them first.  I also grabbed the 12 boxes of mac and cheese Julia left behind and took that too.  It's always nice to have a box of mac and cheese on hand, but 12 might have been too many.
     When we lived in our old house, we used a bathmat in the shower.  To ensure we always had one on hand, I bought two on sale.  I still have them.  Unopened.
     I would guess they are fine, but they have been rolled up for about 7 years.
     Rubber doesn't go bad, but it does curl.
     They are next on my list of things to dispose of.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but for me it is a BIG step.
     And I realize I can't walk that mile without taking the first step.
     Now, about the posts in the basement....any takers?
     Love and Peace.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

ringing in my ears

My hearing aids have Bluetooth capability

     That can be a curse.
     I can turn off my ring tone, but the tone sounds in my ear.
     So here's what happens.
     I get out of my car at the high school, go in and discover I left my phone in the car.  I go out to get it, can't find it.  I think maybe it's in my coat after all, but no.    I make a second trip to the car.  Can't find it.
     I go back in the high school and one of the students volunteers to call me.
     I say great, and go back to the car.
     But since I had been in the dentist's office, I had it set to vibrate.  (Actually, it was an oral surgeon to set up the Tooth Removal and Replacement Project).  So when the young man called, it rang in my hearing aids but I could not tell where the phone was!
     Eventually, I found it wedged under the seat and retrieved it, and went back into the high school for the third time.
     I was working with a couple of students.  We were sitting there talking about their speech events when my phone rang. 
     I answer it, talking to my son in law about rehearsal tonight.
     I hang up and these girls are staring at me like I am a crazy person.
     Turns out, they could not hear the ring or John talking to me.  All they heard, and saw, was this old man talking to his cell phone and no one responding.
     I explained the hearing aids and the whole bit and one girl said, "We were wondering....because, like, you just starting talking to your phone  We didn't hear it ring or anything.  It was weird."
     So, the lesson learned is at speech I need to turn the Bluetooth off.  Otherwise people will start to wonder about me.  Again.
     Peace and Love.  And good dreams.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

like father?

I sometimes think I am becoming my father

     That is not necessarily a good thing.
     Pops was, well, a bit odd.  I am not being mean or spiteful, but I honestly think he was mentally ill.  And later in life, he had Alzheimer's, although back then they said he was going senile.
     He was significantly older than my mother, 13 years, if my math is right.  My brother will correct me, may even say I was wrong about things.
     My dad saved things.  Nuts, bolts, washers, rags, broken tools......look in my basement and see my collection of nuts, bolts, washers.  Hey, you never know when you may need an odd washer.  Or nut.
     When he drank a beer, he would pour it into a glass then hold the can on an angle and tap it several times, getting the last atom of brew out of the can and into his glass.  I find myself doing the same thing with pop.  Am I the only one that does this?
     When he walked, he usually walked next to the curb and kept his eyes on the ground, looking for spare change that might have been dropped.  Now, we were not poor.  We were not rich either, but he never stopped looking for money lost in the street.  I constantly scan the ground for coins.  I will pick up anything, even a penny.
     He got angry quickly, and so do I.
     He was a momma's boy, so was I.
     He hummed and talked to himself when he did things around the house.  So do I.
     He always thought he could fix anything, but he was not the handiest person around.  Neither am I.   I have long since stopped thinking I could fix anything.
He was proud of his kids, though he never showered us with flattery or affection.       He wasn't cold, he just wasn't the hugger type.
     Strangely, it was the wind that made me think of him today.
     We lived in an old Victorian house on the north side of Chicago, one that was built in the 1890s.
     We were constantly cold in winter.
     If you lit a candle, which I often did, and put it on the floor in the front room, the flame would flicker left and right and sometimes go out because of the drafts that worked their ways through the uninsulated walls and ancient windows.
     Dad would sleep in his long underwear, from November to April.  I don't know how many pairs he had, but he always had it on.
     I wish I could ask him questions I didn't know I had.  We have pictures of him in a car out in the middle of the desert in 1926, near Santa Fe.  There is another man and some women with him.  How did he get there?  Where was he going?  Who are the other people?
     That was well before my mom knew him.  We do know that he was a ranch hand in California for a few years, and it may have been a dude ranch of some type.  We also have pictures of him pointing to a sign that says "Keep off the Grass."  I don't think it's an anti drug reference.
     He was 48 when I was born, and by the time I was 10, he was tired.  I don't remember playing catch with him, or bike riding, or spending father-son time together.  I don't know if he did that with my brothers, but I suspect it was uncles from both sides of the family who did.
     Funny what thoughts and memories the wind can bring, isn't it.
     Love and Peace and memories tonight.

Monday, January 7, 2019

off we go

I  booked tickets for our trip to Julia's today

     I had hoped to use miles, but I did not have enough.  I would have had to book my ticket, buy miles, then book Jackie's ticket.  I was afraid to do that.
     Here's how times have changed.
     When we first went to Julia's, back in 2002, we went to a travel agent.  She looked up fares and found us the best flight.  She did the booking, got the tickets, and all the rest.
     Now I can sit down and search several sites, finding the lowest fare with just a couple of clicks.  I don't even leave the house.
     But I don't like change.  We have flown three airlines to Switzerland and when the United guy suggested some other airlines with less expensive fares, I balked.
     So I went on line and booked our tickets myself.
     But it isn't always easy.  I hit the wrong button and had to start over.  I hit the back button and had to start over.  I eventually got booked, but we spent over an hour on the phone with United and on the computer before getting tickets.
     Jackie thinks I am crazy for wanting to book so early, but I know what happens if I wait.....the seats and flights I want will be filled.
     And my credit card company messaged me immediately to see if I had in fact booked two tickets.  I had just hit the pay button when I got the e-mail.
     I will never understand how all this works. 
     I especially don't understand the mileage thing...there are too many restrictions for an occasional traveller like me.
     I also had a dental appointment today because I had a cavity.  I went into the office and there were two other people there.  I asked the  receptionist, "Will they hear me scream?"  She laughed   Little does she know.
     But the tooth was numbed, I survived, although for a couple of hours I slurred words and might have drooled a little.
     Tonight I celebrated with a hot chocolate and a little Rum Chata.....nice, mellow music on WNIJ...and I am getting very relaxed.
     Peace and Love

Sunday, January 6, 2019

same old, same old

I think I am stuck in the mud

     I'm in a rut,
     Not exercising.  Eating too much.  Staying up too late.  Sleeping too late.
     My resolutions have all gone out the window, or door, or whatever....well, all except one.
     I did resolve to wake up every day in 2019.
     At my age, that is not a given.
     Every day there are obits of people younger than me.  It does frighten me a little.
     Sometimes I think we should have an expiration date, like milk.
     Would I be happier knowing that on Jan. 15, 2025 the grim reaper will be knocking on my door?
     In one sense yes, because then I wouldn't have to wondeer and worry.  I would do all I could in the remaining time.
     In another sense, no, because no one wants that guy to stop for coffee, tea or wine.
     Incidentally, Jan. 15, 2025 is just a random date.  Don't place any Vegas bets on that date being special.
      I did get Christmas put away today, and for some reason I started bawling like a two year old who needs a diaper change.
     Time just is going by too quickly, and I am wasting so much of it.  Like I said, I am in a rut.
      Watching the Bears did not help my mood.
      But I do take heart, because pitchers and catchers report in about 40 days.....
     Peace and Love.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

har de har har

I had a laugh day today

     Emily and John took me to see MooNiE and Broon today.
     I know, most of you are saying, "Who?"
     MooNiE and Broon frequently perform at the Renaissance Faire in Bristol, WI each summer.  They usually each do several shows, then combine for one show later in the day.
     They juggle, tell jokes, and are highly entertaining.
     They also do a combined show that they take on the road during the off season, in addition to doing their own shows around the country.  MooNiE, which is not his real name, comes from the Chicago area and has done serious, live theater in the city and has also done some television work. 
     This is the second show I have seen, both in Lake Forest at a community center.  Both shows were funny.  At one point I think Broon said to MooNiE something like, "this is an old joke, but it still works."  And he was right, we laughed.
       And I learned a couple of things new:  Pay attention to lines.  I went into the show place, and got in line.  A lady nicely said, "this is the beginning."  For some reason, I thought she meant this was the end.  Emily eventually told me I had budged about 80 people and led me to the back of the line.
     I also learned what cat's whiskers are on men's pants.
     And that Shazzam can help id a Ramone's song playing as preshow music.
     Thanks to Emily and John, who got the tickets for me as a Christmas present, Camryn and Sherry for going, and Jackie for spending almost the entire day with her safety nets gone.
     Peace and Love and Laughs to all
MooNie and me

Signing broken concrete pieces that came from a bit in the act

Broon and me....we are almost twins, right?

Friday, January 4, 2019

ghost of past Christmas

More decorations are back in their boxes

     Today I gathered garland off the porch and shoved it into boxes.  (Not Judy Garland, although that would be pretty neat.  If she were alive, which she isn't.  Never mind.) We have 7 strands, 5 of which work, and I separated the working from the non working.  Next year I will pull off the dead lights and restring some lights.
     I tell you, the trade deficit with China has to be tremendous based on Christmas tree lights alone!  It seems every year I am buying new lights because the ones that worked last year don't work this year.
     Dang frustrating.
     But not as frustrating as the Dickens' Village.
     That came down today also.
     I am as careful as I can be, but I knocked over a little caroler.  (The joke used to be I knocked you down?  You're lucky I didn't knock you up.)
    And yes, this delightful hand painted by Chinese figure, about two inches tall, broke.  The scarf that dangles off his back became disconnected, shall we say.
     No problem....I have super glue!
     After finding the glue (a major accomplishment) I managed to glue my fingers together and the little piece to my pointer finger.  Luckily, everything pulled apart with a little rubbing alcohol and I tried again. 
     My hands are too huge and my eyes too weak to glue that one-eighth inch scarf back together.
     At some point, Jackie pointed out we have an extra one because someone (no use pointing fingers) broke the main piece a couple of years ago and we got a replacement.
     So the little caroler lives!
     All during the gluing attempt though, I had a sense of deja vu.
     I found the spare caroler and by golly, his scarf is broken at the same place!
     So next year, the caroler will have a shortened scarf.  And he may be joined by another caroler with a shortened scarf.  Symmetry can be beautiful.
     I have to go work on freeing my nail from the skin around it....I seemed to have glued them together.
     Peace and Love

Thursday, January 3, 2019

I hereby resolve...crap

I generally don't make many resolutions

     I did make some this year:

     Get to bed by 10:30.  Seeing as it is already 10:45, I guess I have  broken that one.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Get up by 8 a.m.  I was up at 8:30 this morning.  Close, but no cigar. 
     Stop snacking at 8 p.m.  I just had a handful of something called bar mix.  Like Chex mix, only saltier and with nuts.  And a cookie.  And a piece of chocolate.  Damn.
     Cut down on sugar  See above
      Don't complain as much,   See above.  Damn!
     Be on time for meetings and rehearsals  Got this one!!  Arrived at 6:30 exactly!  Of course, that was only one night, but still.  Have to start somewhere.
     Keep cars in cleaner shape  Ok, I may have this one.  I ran Jackie's car through the car wash today and I emptied that car, and my car, of all the receipts and wrappers.  Understand, I did not vacuum my car for about 16 months and it was a pit.  Now, it is clean.  I just have to keep it that way. 
     My question is, if a resolution is broken, do I still try to keep it?  Doing something regularly can be a big thing for someone who has not done that in his life, except for this blog.  Remember, it started as a New Year's Resolution a few years back.
     If I can do this every day, I should be able to eat wiser, snack less, be on time, get to bed earlier, and get up earlier.
     It's not rocket science.
     Guess I have to put my BB pants on for 2019.
     Peace and Love to all....If I go fast, I can still get to bed  before 11.  Gotta finish my cookie first.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

turn out the lights

The party is over

     I don't like this part of the Christmas season.
     I have to start putting stuff away.  I need to take down the outdoor lights.  I need to pack up all the trimmings and trappings and put them away for 340 days.
     But the big reason for my sadness is Julia went back to Switzerland today.
     Understand, I have spent many trips from the airport with wet eyes. John drove and Camryn went with, so there was a distraction on the way home.
     Honestly, I hate her leaving.
     Jackie and I are so fortunate to have both girls home for the holidays.  I realize a lot of families will never be able to say that and I realize that has to hurt on so many levels.  I feel for those families.
     We are also lucky that we will be going over to visit her this summer.  But that is six months away.
     Skype has been an amazing device while she is over there.  When she first went, we called and I was always a blubbering mess when I hung up.  But with Skype I can at least see her, which helps.
     Hard to believe she has been there 17 years in March.  Harder still to realize I was 54 when she went to Switzerland.  Time really races past too fast.

Peace and Love to all.....

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 already?

I am very surprised it is 2019

     Mainly because it just seems like 2017 has started.
     Where did the time go?
     My resolutions never seem to change:  smaller portions, less sugar, more exercise.
     Actually, I did a lot of walking to day.  Mainly from the computer to the fridge to the cookie box, but it was a lot of walking.
     I didn't exactly have lunch, since I woke up at 10:30.  I didn't get to bed until 3, so I did get almost 7 hours sleep.  Let's say I had a late lunch.  Like 3 ish or so.
     I did watch the remainder of the Rose Bowl Parade.  I have never seen a float catch fire and become immovable.  Kind of an anti-climatic end to the parade.
     This is a blog birthday.  My first entry was Jan. 1, 2014.  Can you believe that?  This is post 1,783 and nearly 150,000 visits have been made to my blog page.
     I think my earlier posts were funnier, mainly because I told about all the funny stuff early on.
     And after all those posts, I have made a little money off the writing.      According to the pros running the site, I have earned $78.12 in revenue.  They don't issue a check until it hits $100, otherwise I would invest all that money in lottery tickets.

     Here goes:  Resolutions for 2019
watch sugar intake
eat smaller portions
exercise more
go through dad's photos in basement
finish revising my book
find an agent
root, root, root for the Cubbies
make it to 2020
less solitaire
more reading

     This will be a year of challenges for all of us.  Be strong.  Be brave.  Be good.  Don't let life pass you by (my words of wisdom to anyone younger than me).
     Be involved.  Be a part of the solution.
     Enough sermonizing.
     Better get to bed....long day  tomorrow.
     Peace and Love and a Happy New Year to all of you!