Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hello darkness, my old friend

Saw a neat show tonight in DeKalb

     The Simon and Garfunkel Story was at the Egyptian Theater.  Jackie and I went.
     The show brought back many memories.
     I did not see them live, in person, which is a regret I have.  I would have loved to see the Beatles and the Grateful Dead, but I missed them too.
Simon and Garfunkel were in the folk rock genre.  I loved their melodies and their music in general.
     Like I said, I never saw them in person.  But I must have seen them live on TV.  I remember Garfunkel barely moved on stage, often singing with his hands behind he back or even in his back pockets.  The guy who was Garfunkel mimicked him completely.
     When they did a show in Central Park, Garfunkel game out and made a gesture to the crowd, and the actor did the same gesture tonight during their Central Park concert segment.
     I can't imagine 500,000 people at a concert, but that is what they said the crowd was estimated at for that free show in New York.
     The music brought back many childhood memories.  Big Russ once sang "what the hell" during Sounds of words like silent raindrops  fell, what the hell, and echoed in the wells of silence.......  It was perfect.
     Memories: As a teen, sitting in The Shed in Frank and John's basement, pondering the problems of the world as Simon and Garfunkel sang.  Later, as an adult, going camping, and listening to them in the quiet of the night, watching the fire and sipping hot chocolate.  In  the breezeway, late at night, having tea and listening.
     When I heard  Old Friends years ago, I never imagined being at that point in life.

Can you imagine us years from today,
Sharing a park bench quietly

How terribly strange to be seventy

     How terribly strange, indeed.
     The theater was not sold out, the balcony did not have anyone in it.  I was surprised by that.
     As I looked around, I saw some familiar faces:  Mike and Lynn, Gus and Armande, Arlyn and Diane, Steve and Kathy, Belinda......and at the end, Mark, Varsie and Susie spotted us and we had a nice visit.  Short, but nice.
     Old friends, all.
     It was a great trip down memory lane.

Jackie did not want to be in the picture!!

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