Thursday, November 1, 2018

California dreamin'

Yikes!  That was a dream!!

     Tuesday night I had a weird dream.
     Jackie and I were on a long platform, which served as a station for buses.
     We were supposed to be on Bus 50.  It was important we get on Bus 50.  We were waiting on the platform and we had some cards out for whatever reason.      We were in a foreign country, but signs were posted in English.
     A bus came in and I went to look, but it was Bus 51.  It was a 1950s era bus, in a bluish green/cream two tone paint job.  There were mountains with snow on them in the background.  It was beautiful.
     Then I heard an announcement that said Bus 50 was arriving.
     We waited.  And waited.  It was important we got on this bus.  I looked at the sign for Bus 50 and it had foreign word, foreign word, foreign word, pool.  I realized then that Bus 50 stopped at the pool, which was behind us.
     I yelled to Jackie to run  (In dreams she can run, which explains why my dream world can be so much better than the real world.) and to leave all the cards and crap behind.
     I ran across the parking lot in my bare feet....but Bus 50 had gone.  No other buses went that way.
     I was so upset I woke up!  It was 5 a.m. and I was just so pissed that I did not realize where Bus 50 stopped, even though the sign said pool.
     I don't know if I ever slept soundly after that and even when I told Jackie about the dream I got fairly agitated that I was at the wrong place.
     Even now, I am a little upset.
     Weird, huh?  To be upset about a dream?  An event that never happened?
     The mind plays interesting tricks on us sometimes, doesn't it?
     Like when a friend invited me out Nov. 7.
     I wrote it down for Nov. 14.  Then I offered to host a meeting at my house Nov. 14.
     I  realized my mistake and e mailed three people and said it was the wrong day, we needed to meet Nov. 7.
     Ran into someone today and the Nov. 14 event came up.  Well, actually the Nov. 7 date came up because I had the wrong date.  So I had to e mail the same people and tell them Nov. 14 was in again, Nov. 7 out again, and maybe just move it to later in the month.
     I don't work well with numbers!

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