Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Book it, Dano

I went to a football game tonight

     It might have been a little of my body are still numb.
     But it was a fun time.  Northern Illinois beat Toledo in a MAC match up 38-15.
     Friend Dave has several tickets and invites groups of people to the game.]
    There are four of us who usually go to a November midweek night game, and tonight was the night.
     Usually Dave and Dawn and Darci tailgate.  But when the gales of November come early, they move the party inside.
     So we ate in the practice field, along with a couple of hundred other folks.  Good Greek food, including desserts.  I am not sure all that I ate, but it was good.
     During the game we have access to the Coaches Corner, which has heat, bathrooms, a taco bar, and most chocolate and hot coffee.
And pizza at half time.
     So I ate too much, drank too much hot chocolate, and had a fun time.
     We did cut out with about 3 minutes left in the game.....the cold won out over us.
     Next time, I have to remember to bring a blanket to wrap myself in, lucky for me Darci had a couple extra in her car.
     Going to a game always brings back memories of those college years.
The band even moves indoors for pregame entertainment

See me taking the picture??

A close up of Victor E Huskie

Sparse crowd tonight

This one's for you, Darci

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