Thursday, November 8, 2018

so close.......

I was so close to tossing tiles tonight

I hope you liked the alliteration.  It's a talent.
I almost threw these out:

It'a a floor tile....I have about 10 of them.
I think they could be used for a craft project, but I am not talented enough to come up with how.  And you could use it for a small floor.  
Anyway, next week they if you want them, let me know.
I go through boxes and find stuff to not get rid of.
For instance, this moose:

Tacky?  A little.
By the way, it is a creamer.  Pour the milk into the back and the milk comes out its nose.
But my cousin Sally gave it to me years ago.  Cancer claimed her about 4 years ago and every time I see this tacky moose, I remember her smile and her laugh.
I can't get rid of it.
Yes, I am a sentimental old fool.
Always have been always will be.
Stop over some time and I'll make coffee....and we can use the moose.
Peace and happy dreams.

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