Wednesday, November 21, 2018

the push begins

I have one day to enjoy turkey

     Friday, the push begins.  Outside lights.  Upstairs tree.  Downstairs tree.  20 boxes of decorations carried up.  Tables moved, furniture moved, pictures moved.
     It can be tiring and stressful for me!
     Usually I have the outside lights up by now, but it has been cold and I have been sick and the lights are still in the basement.  Friday.
     I usually have the downstairs tree up.  But it is still in a box.  Friday.
     The living room tree will be a freshly cut one, and that will go up Saturday.
Sunday I will collapse from overwork.
     We have cut down on the amount of stuff we put out, but the lights and the Dickens village take a lot of time and trips up and down.  Maybe I should hire a young kid to haul boxes.......
     Aside from tomorrow being Thanksgiving, it is also Julia's birthday!  She was born on a Sunday, when the Bears were playing.  Granted, tomorrow is Thursday, but the Bears are playing!  Deja vu, maybe.
     We will call her and wish her well....but it's not the same as having her here.         After 16 years, it hasn't gotten easier.
     Damn, the hot toddy is making me sentimental.
     Say good night, Gracie.....

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